1. The Board of Education has decided to extend the school day for one hour because of the increased graduation requirements. Do you agree or disagree with making the school day longer? Write an essay to the Board of Ed and argue your point of view.
2. A leading doctor has published research claiming all students should be in bed by 9:00 PM in order for them to learn well in school. Your parents are considering doing what the doctor suggests. Write an argument to your parents explaining your position.
3. The administration at your school has instituted random locker and purse searches to check for guns, knives, drugs, and cigarettes. Anyone caught with these weapons will be immediately suspended and may face expulsion. The administration argues that the searches will not only guard against contraband being brought into the school, but will make the students feel safer. What is your position?
4. A litter problem has developed in your school. Students are throwing trash on the grounds, in the hallways, and classrooms. The administration has asked for students to take more care, but the litter problem persists. The administration has reacted by limiting food and beverages to the cafeteria only. What is your position on the issue?
5. The increase in school violence has prompted one district to institute a school uniform policy. This decision came after researching the positive impact of uniforms in other schools. What is your position on this issue?
6. Some states have enacted legislation outlawing teachers and students to be Facebook friends. Write an argument for or against this law.
7. Recent cuts to school funding have forced one district to cut (all middle school athletics, busing, art class, performing arts, etc.). Write an argument sharing your position on this cut.
8. As part of a new technology initiative, your district is increasing the number of computer labs in the school. The