Expository Reading and Writing Course
30 November 2015 Racial Profiling and Police Violence Over the past years, this country had faced many incidents that happen that involved with police is something that not surprise because that topic is something that people in the society already knew and it even happen real life that no one expect it to be. This police officers also face with many issues the people have toward them that even causing problems on both side which leading to a drama. This police officers are having power to do whatever they want even take away people’s life is not a thing that they feel it’s threaten to them. In mid- August, a 25-year-old black man, Ezell Ford, who apparently suffered mental illness, …show more content…
However, a consider of racial profiling is also based on their race in some circumstances. Furthermore, racial profiling have no place in the society because it begins target without doing anything that against the law, the evidence that show racial profiling as a tool for police officers to use their law enforcement to the people. Even more, the one that are not against the law is most likely to get caught, in addition those who are being target is more likely to get caught in an illegal act, and they will be in a different cases. To demonstrate “And Thursday, police in Beverly Hills, an upscale town next to Los Angeles, apologized after arresting Charles, Belk, an African-American television producer, as he left a restaurant” ( Presse 2). This can be an example of how African-American is being treated differently than any other races and how the African-American view themselves as a “burden” whenever a police officer stop them. Specifically, “In North Charleston, S.C., not too far from the place where the A.M.E. terrorist attack on 9 Black church members took place, Walter Scott was shot several times in the back as he fled from police on foot, posing no immediate threat” (Brown 1). This is too obvious that we shouldn’t argue about because this members are the people that the guy really hate and it leads him to