Kids these days get a great deal of school work online and if they don’t have a computer or a tablet then they can use their phone to do homework at their house or in the car or other places. Kids also might need this to contact a partner for a school project to set up a time when to meet up and work together, and if you leave your homework at school you could ask a friend to send you a picture and you can print it out. Now kids should be responsible and remember their work but just in case they have a phone to communicate and touch base and save themselves. Another reason is that away from all the school work and all of studying kids need to have fun every once in a while no matter if they’re at their friend’s house or playing outside or inside watching T.V. just to relax and take a break. Also if you have a friend hours away from you, you can communicate with them through a tablet or other electronics and we should take advantage of that because “They are just part of socialization here, as the home phone was when we were kids, except they have photos, videos, games and music as added value.” and this could help you stay in touch with good friends who had to move. Should kids have phones? It could end up being one of the best things or a thing that holds them back from having fun and doing what they want to do. So, do you think kids should have phones or wait until they
Kids these days get a great deal of school work online and if they don’t have a computer or a tablet then they can use their phone to do homework at their house or in the car or other places. Kids also might need this to contact a partner for a school project to set up a time when to meet up and work together, and if you leave your homework at school you could ask a friend to send you a picture and you can print it out. Now kids should be responsible and remember their work but just in case they have a phone to communicate and touch base and save themselves. Another reason is that away from all the school work and all of studying kids need to have fun every once in a while no matter if they’re at their friend’s house or playing outside or inside watching T.V. just to relax and take a break. Also if you have a friend hours away from you, you can communicate with them through a tablet or other electronics and we should take advantage of that because “They are just part of socialization here, as the home phone was when we were kids, except they have photos, videos, games and music as added value.” and this could help you stay in touch with good friends who had to move. Should kids have phones? It could end up being one of the best things or a thing that holds them back from having fun and doing what they want to do. So, do you think kids should have phones or wait until they