Should the U.S. stop using the death penalty. Yes,I agree someone should not die because they murdered someone that's why we have the life sentence or high security prisons. I don’t understand why the government should have decision on who should live and who shall perish . It's a very unusual and cruel punishment and the United States should retire using it.
First of all 18 ,states have already blocked using the 8th amendment and New Hampshire and Delaware are so to follow. The death penalty is only used in a small amount of states and is given to the worst of the worst . Only 33 states have the death penalty. The Supreme Court might find the 8th amendment punishment unusual.
As of February 9th, 2017 the state of Mississippi wants to add more punishments to its own 8th amendment. According to NBC the state of Mississippi wants to import back the firing squad,the gas chamber,and electrocution. The reason of this is in case the court blocks the use of lethal injections. The last time the state used the punishment was in 2012. 33 states have the death penalty. Mississippi is not the only state to add …show more content…
According to some information on the DPIC(Death Penalty Information Center) website it states that crime rates are higher in states that have the 8th Amendment. As of 2015 there is a 25% percent difference of crime with the states that do and don’t have the death penalty. Louisiana has the highest murder rate in America with a stunning 10.3 and also has the death penalty just a coincidence I don’t think so . The average murder rates per (100,000) 2015. States with the death penalty had a 5.15 death rate while the other states that didn’t have death penalty got a