Americans choose to have a credit card so that they have “emergency money,” this is hard for the everyday American because they are always wanting what others have. The only reason they have decided to purchase the item or items is that someone they know has that same item or the one he or she wants to buy is better than their friend or neighbor, family included. It is hard to believe that 98% of Americans are in some kind of debt because of credit card abuse (credit cards). People living with a credit card think that life is easier because you can have what you want when in reality all you do is owe more money. Americans love to have more than what they can afford. Acquiring more means every month that when that bill comes all you do is stress over why you even bought that item. Americans are already addicted to having everything; you want when you want it, so you go out and buy more. Americans do this because you have a credit card that allows you to pay for it later. This is the circle of debt. Society relies on a credit card to give you happiness when you are, in reality, miserable with owning a credit
Americans choose to have a credit card so that they have “emergency money,” this is hard for the everyday American because they are always wanting what others have. The only reason they have decided to purchase the item or items is that someone they know has that same item or the one he or she wants to buy is better than their friend or neighbor, family included. It is hard to believe that 98% of Americans are in some kind of debt because of credit card abuse (credit cards). People living with a credit card think that life is easier because you can have what you want when in reality all you do is owe more money. Americans love to have more than what they can afford. Acquiring more means every month that when that bill comes all you do is stress over why you even bought that item. Americans are already addicted to having everything; you want when you want it, so you go out and buy more. Americans do this because you have a credit card that allows you to pay for it later. This is the circle of debt. Society relies on a credit card to give you happiness when you are, in reality, miserable with owning a credit