Music therapy is not to be confused with the more …show more content…
The earliest reference for music therapy was stated in a Columbian magazine titled “Music Physically Considered” in 1789. Behind every big finding, there is history behind it. Although that is the earliest reference for music therapy, it formally began after World War 1 and World War 2, when community musicians would go to veteran hospitals to play for the suffering. The music brought joy to the suffering veterans. This sparked an interest on music therapy that continued to 1905, and lead to the formation …show more content…
The National Association for Music Therapy (NAMT) was founded at a meeting in New York City on July 2, 1950. This organization was the first to succeed. The Music Therapy Association is the largest professional association. This association represents over five thousand music therapists, cooperate members and related associations worldwide. The Music Therapy Association was founded in 1998 and ever since it’s formation, its mission has been to help the progressive development of the therapeutic use of music in rehabilitation, special education, and community settings. This association helps set the education and clinical training standards for music therapists. The perception of music is the awareness of musical sounds. This sound is being transmitted to the inner ear and is being broken down according to the spectrum of frequencies. These sounds that are being broken down have an orderly arrangement of low to higher frequencies that is mapped onto the brain. For example, the piano is mapped out with higher keys on one end, and lower keys on the other in a similar fashion to how the frequencies are being broken down. The auditory cortexes have cells that generate the