Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne elucidates the obstacles and drama of living in a post-apocalyptic reality pertaining to fourteen kids living in a mall with no adult guidance. A feeling of uncertainty envelops the group as two older men are invited into the store. At first peaceful and friendly, the two men lead to problems causing Brayden to get shot. Afterward, Jake exits the store to get medicine for Brayden by performing a reconnaissance mission ultimately resulting in the group discovering that Dean and Alex’s parents are still alive. However, Jake leaves the group at that moment by dropping the camera he’s using to inform the group and then walking away. Now the group prepares to leave the Greenway Mall except Dean, Astrid, Chloe, Henry, and Caroline stay behind and say their goodbyes to the rest who are leaving on the bus. One can clarify why Jake chose to leave the…
I realize that it is opposite of the manner in which this school had begun, but it seems as though we have little choice. We already have a faculty unit that is looking to form a union due to the budget crisis, we should probably consider coming back to them with a better long-term plan in place.…
In this “fighting among America’s youth: a risk and protective factors approach” author, Kevin Fitzpatrick purpose of this research to apply the risk and protective factors model for understanding a health-compromising behavior, fighting, among different development age groups.. In addition, the interplay between risk and protective factors is explored in an attempt to specific their precise role in acting as either mediators or buffers in the risk taking process. The risk and protective factor approach included social developmental theory with social control and social learning theories to help explain risk taking among the youth. The research sample and method was conduct during the spring of 1994 and consisted of three samples of youth in…
the village fall seriously ill, and three die. The adults want someone to blame, so they blame…
town comes together and votes for a quarantine, in which no one is allowed to enter…
Everyone wants to win. But should that be a child’s top priority? Children’s sports should be more focused on cooperation and pure fun. The physical and psychological negatives are not worth the feeling of winning a game or making a team. Competitive sports have too many negatives that outweigh the positives and should be either removed or restructured. After children are fully prepared and mentally and psychologically developed, by age twelve or so, children can move on to playing to win.…
The article Children Need to Play, Not fight by Jessica Statsky basically battled non-need of fighting theory in youth. She took the side totally against this idea. She advised over the earlier decades' spread of battling speculation in child ages. Their gatekeepers were inclined to give watchful thought on the outcome of the diversion or match. The inventor raised some her unmistakable purposes behind right how this speculation wasn't correct. In her article, she said "each sorted out amusement activities" were horrendous to back adolescents. She immovably propose this structure to be re-new as charming action development regardless every one's ability or physical character, for instance, tallness, weight, running pace and passage.…
This article “Just War Tradition” also refer to as Just War Theory is related to war because it explains the principles and morals behind on taking war as a last resort solution only if the options don't meet the requirements. Also, in the case of war was to happen they discussed on when and where warfare is appropriate to be taken place. Including that, the Just War Tradition was originally discovered by the Christians and their based it on their philosophy. Then theorist Saint Augustine made who made other factions to their philosophy for a better outcome. As years passed another theorist named Michael Walzer stepped in but this time around modernize the principles. The government must apply two principles the first principle is Jus ad Bellum…
Imagine if you were forced to kill others for whole years of your life, seeing the people bleed out each and every time as they struggle to hold onto life.This is what child soldiers are put through almost every day. In some parts of the world, such as Sierra Leone. There is tremendous disputes over child soldiers. Everyday hundreds if not thousands of child soldiers are drugged, abused, and brainwashed to kill others in the battlefields of Sierra Leone and countries alike. Now after all this, these children are being captured by governments across the world and are being prosecuted for their crimes…
Children grow up believing in a man that flies in a sleigh with reindeer to every house in the world in a matter of hours, so we can ask, why can’t they be taught that war and power is good? Children can grow up and believe anything is good; this is the beauty of being a kid. All over the world, children are being brainwashed to believe war and killing people is an okay crime. Child soldiers should be given amnesty or rehabilitation.…
once good community. The greed and quest for power blurs the truth of many in the town of…
It takes place in a small town…
German Singer Q’orianka Kilcher once stated this quote about juveniles. “I think it's important for us as a society to remember that the youth within juvenile justice systems are, most of the time, youths who simply haven't had the right mentors and supporters around them - because of circumstances beyond their control.” This quote approaches one of America’s biggest question about juvenile justice. Should minors who have committed heinous crimes against the American Society be tried like an adult and given punishments like life in prison? This question was answered in a Supreme Court ruling that stated juveniles couldn’t be sentenced life in prison because minors were still minors, regardless of their crimes. However, despite this ruling,…
Do you ever think why young people solve they problems in violence? Did you ever think that in some how violence effects almost every kid in America everyday. Teen violence is getting worse and worse as the years go on. More fights, more killings. It is just getting out of hand. People say why is violence they answer to everything? Its the answer because that is all we ever knew.…
Recent survey relating to Stand Your Ground cases conducted by the Tampa Bay Times found that more than half of the defendants won the cases. Many people believe that Stand Your Ground laws help lower crime rates since everyday citizens are empowered to serve their own justice. Other people believe that Stand Your Ground Laws are dangerous because they promote more violence since the statute allows for excessive and even deadly force. Although Stand Your ground laws can save lives, Stand Your Ground laws are more harmful than helpful because they can be used as a loophole for criminals to kill people and wrongly prosecute defendants.…