First, adolescents have a certain biological sleep pattern that is out of their control. For example, because sleep “Is a matter of biology, not choice,” teens generally can not fall asleep before 10:45 p.m. and remain asleep until around 8 a.m. (Wahlstrom). Most teens need to get 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Getting the right amount of sleep is essential for someone who wants to do well on a test or play sports without stumbling. Unfortunately, many teens do not get nearly enough sleep. In addition, William Dement, M.D. and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral sciences, says, “Sending kids to school at 7 a.m. is the equivalent of sending an adult to work at 4 in the morning. It is almost abusive to them” (“Basics”). Teens need a …show more content…
Teens would get more sleep, it could be safer and students might not have to rush at night when they do homework and get a lot of it wrong. So why should not school start later? Though starting school earlier is easier for some people, teens need more than 8 hours of sleep each night, but can not control how much they sleep, teens that do not get enough sleep at night become sleep deprived which can cause mental health problems, and the lack of sleep a teen gets affects their academic performance. Ultimately, it is up to the school board whether schools should start early or later, rather than the students and parents, but a late school start would help