of being an experienced diver or even a paratrooper. After a few years and a lot of research into the situation they came to the conclusion that that wasn't true. Dan was reported wearing a trench coat and loafers, he was simply dressed for air travel not skydiving. The weather is also a factor to take in,it was raining with around a 200mh wind.Even if he did survive the jump he more than likely froze to death when he landed in the wilderness in the middle of winter. Another conspiracy that nobody really takes into mind is maybe he blew up mid air with his homemade bomb.Even though it’s a logical theory most people don’t take into consideration that he didn’t leave a whole lot of evidence behind.They never reported anything about the bomb except for when one eyewitness saw it inside the briefcase. D.B. was obvi a very intelligent man who knew what he was doing.some evidence that backs up this theory is they never found the bomb and a kid found some burnt money from the ransom in a river.
Dan Cooper left an iconic impression on America when he performed this heist. I think that D.B. got away but only by a hair and I honestly don’t think anyone will ever pull off a smoother heist.After all these years his real identity is still unknown, maybe one of three days we’ll know the real story of D.B.