In the novel “Of Mice and Men” written by John Steinbeck George kills Lennie. Did George have the right to shoot Lennie? Or in further words did Lennie choose the right decision? This debate may cause a disagreement or friction between the readers. Although, it was a good idea for George to kill Lennie because he kept Lennie from suffering more. If George decided to let Curley kill him Lennie would have had a long and painful death. In the story Curley states,…
In “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck, George makes a rash decision, and that decision is shooting Lennie. I think George made the right decision shooting Lennie because Curley would’ve made sure Lennie was tortured, and Lennie got to die happy. Also, George gets to make sure no one else can get their hands on Lennie, causing him to get hurt worse than what already happened.…
Why George Should Not Have Killed Lennie At the last time I read book named “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck.. This book was interesting! I like it, we might understand this book in two ways, that we agree what George did and that we can not understand what George did. I know that a lot of people say that George should have killed Lennie, but I think that George should have not killed Lennie. He should not killed Lennie because it is not humanitarian, everyone has a right to life.…
“[George] reached in his side pocket and brought out Carlson’s Luger; he snapped off the safety , and the hand and gun lay on the ground behind Lennie’s back. He looked at the back of Lennie’s head, at the place where the spine and skull were joined...” (Steinbeck 105). In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George makes the decision to shoot his best friend Lennie. Lennie is a mentally disabled man with hopes and dreams of owning a farm, and living off the fat of the land. George is the man who goes through thick and thin with him, and helps him out whenever he throws himself into a big pile of trouble. Both of them have been traveling around together for a long time, and the two are inseparable. Though this time when Lennie finds himself in trouble, George rules out all other options, and comes to the conclusion of killing him instead. George murders his best friend…
Do you think George should have killed Lennie even though they were friends? In John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men the main character George Milton had to make many tough decisions for himself and his friend Lennie Small. While George and Lennie are friends George ends up looking after Lennie more than anything due to his mental disability. Although Lennie was a hard worker, he made the mistake of killing the ranch owners daughter in-law which led George to have to make the decision to end his life in a quick manner, go on the run again, or let him suffer at the hand of the Ranch owners son. In the end George makes the decision to end Lennie’s life because he didn’t want to see him suffer at the hand of the ranch owners son, and he didn’t want anyone else to lose a loved one.…
What George did to his friend Lennie was all that he could do and George had no other choice. In the story Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, George has to kill his friend Lennie because there a mod coming after Lennie trying to kill him. George sees no other option but to kill him before the mob gets to him. Lennie has also hurt too many helpless things, he killed mice, a puppy, and now a human. Lennie has never been punished for his actions and unfortunately it had to come to this. What George did to Lennie was completely justified…
John Steinbeck wrote a book called “Of Mice and Men.” Of Mice and Men is an engaging novel about two migrant workers, Lennie and George, who are trying to obtain their dreams of having their own home together. George is small and quick and is the alpha. The other is Lennie, who is big and strong, but has a mental disability, making him slow and in constant need of help and guidance. Throughout the book, trouble becomes increasingly worse, and George ends up having to kill Lennie. Most people believe that is was George’s responsibility to look after Lennie, making his killing unjustified. However, George was justified in killing Lennie because Lennie had previously hurt people, Lennie is not going to get a trial, and George cannot always be there for Lennie.…
George had made the right decicion to shoot Lennie as he would have faced worse consequences. If you were in a similar situation, would you want to be the one to kill your best friend, or have a stranger do it?In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck tells the story of two best friends living life on the run, struggling to keep a steady job working as ranch hands. George and Lennie are faced with many obstacles throughout the course of this book, beginning with Lennie and his slow mindedness, George is always side by side with Lennie, practically holding his hand to coach him through life. The story begins with the two men running away from Weed, the ranch they were previously employed at; we later find that George and Lennie had to flee after Lennie had touched a ladies dress and made her feel uncomfortable. Upon arrival at the new ranch, George had told Lennie to stay away from Curley’s wife, Lennie disobeyed George and similar trouble has followed…
“In any moment of decision, The best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Teddy Roosevelt. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, towards the ending (spoiler) one of the main characters, George, has to kill his best friend Lennie after he accidentally kills Curley's wife because she was screaming and he got scared, and broke her neck, killing her. The quote from the beginning relates to this in that George did the right thing killing Lennie after what he did, The question is though, is it justified for George to kill Lennie to save him from the lynch mob heading for his lead by Curly himself. the argument that it was that it was justified, because he was going to do it as an act of mercy, he was thinking about how he could not save Lennie from society and vice versa, and that George could never make money and get Lennie his “American dream”…
In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have a very close relationship and their companionship is quite deep. During the 1930s, which was during The Great Depression, George and Lennie escape from Weed because they get into trouble. George has to look after Lennie because Lennie’s Aunt, Clara, is dead and no one takes care of Lennie. Then, they go to the Salinas Valley where they are going to work on a ranch. In the novel, George is morally right to kill Lennie because George wants to protect Lennie from the painful death and save other people from Lennie’s uncontrolled strength.…
George kills Lennie also because he doesn't want to be on the run like he has most of the time been. So Lennie is stressing on George's life but George feels to guilty to have him run, because he couldn't live on his own. So George has to kill Lennie because he has no other choice for Lennie's future. This was the best choice for Lennie in George's mind. He also thinks this world is too cruel for…
Usually when somebody warns another person they listen, and try to stay away from the danger. However, Lennie is so innocent that no matter how hard he tries he always forgets and gets himself in trouble. On page 30, George warns Lennie “Don’t you even take a look at that bitch. I don’t care what she says and what she does. I seen ‘em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. You leave her be.” George knew that Curley's wife was going to get Lennie in trouble, but Lennie forgot and talked to her anyway. This proves that even though Lennie tries very hard, he always messes up and gets in…
In John Steinbeck’s novel, “Of Mice and Men”, this ambiguous question arises on George’s decision. Did George make the right choice to kill Lenny at the end of the story? There are many reasons why George decided to kill Lennie in the end; however, if George does not take the responsibility to kill Lennie, he would die anyway. Since Lennie was young, he always struggled fitting in and socializing with others because of his disability. Consequently George kills Lennie because Lennie is George’s responsibility, Lennie is a danger to society, and George kills Lennie for selfish reasons. Therefore the decision that George made was the right thing to do.…
B. Bridge: To some people, that doesn't seem too bad, especially if you come from a wealthy family, but what if that wasn't the case? What if your mother and father struggled to put food on the table for you and your siblings? You wouldn't want to be like them. You would want to be better than them and if you were a parent, you would want a better life for you and your children. Some people choose to pursue better opportunites and a better life elsewhere. These opportunities aren't always in their home countries. The problem is that some countries don't welcome these opportunists. Sometimes once these migrants enter a country, they are held back from making a living for themselves.…
George doesn’t die but he does kill his lifelong friend Lennie. He has to kill Lennie because there is no other way to save Lennie. He does this out of love for his friend but others disagree with this. Others believe that George did the wrong thing by killing Lennie and that this makes him a bad friend. In reality George is actually a very good friend and did do the right thing of killing Lennie. It was the right thing to do because he did it out of compassion and love for his friend and Lennie was his responsibility so he had to do it.…