The main argument against the permission of steroid use in sports is its long term consequences on an athlete’s health. Examples of these negative health affects are prominent breast, infertility, and shrunken testicles in males. Females taking steroids experience deepening of the voice, increase in body hair, and infrequent or absent periods. Both sexes may experience baldness, severe acne, liver abnormalities and tumors, increased LDLs, decreased HDLs, high blood pressure, and aggressive behaviors, rage or violence (Clinic, 2015).
Another argument against the permission of steroids is that it improves performance so much that natural talent and hard work are less appreciated. Steroids can make an amateur athlete or even a non-athlete win over athletes that have trained for years to hone their performance in their sport, gaining awards once thought to be a feat to accomplish. This demeans awards previously won and any work put into achieving it, demean the sport …show more content…
However, people fail to realize that steroids are taken to advance themselves above their competition. Therefore, athletes would continually increase their dosage of steroids to further improve their performance. This increase in dosage speeds up the negative effects steroids have on the body and coerces more athletes into taking steroids to keep up with their