Ms. Hammer
ENG 111
November 22, 2013
In the United States today 4.1% of the country’s population are receiving welfare. This percent equals out to be approximately 12.8 million Americans who receive welfare. The government spends roughly around $131.9 billion on welfare alone, which does not include food stamps or unemployment insurance. The number of Americans receiving food stamps is 46.7 million people while the number for Americans receiving unemployment insurance is 5.6 million. If the government is spending this much money on this many people, they all should at least be drug tested to ensure that the money they are receiving is being used to pay bills and not for buying and then using drugs. So therefore, I am for drug …show more content…
People say that it invades their personal lives by the government just telling them they need to be drug tested before they can receive their benefits. When questioned how and why they think this they refer back to the 4th Amendment which says, The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
People use this amendment and say that is against their legal rights for the government to drug test them. As said by Donald A. Ritchie in Our Constitution he breaks down and explains a little bit more what the 4th Amendment says, “As a general rule, before police can search anyone’s property they must go to the courts for a warrant, which is granted on probable cause of finding evidence of a crime.” This sentence is basically a broken down version of what is said in the Constitution. My question though is it really invading people’s lives by drug testing? I do not think it is because once you submit to receive those kind of benefits, then the government should have the right to ask you to be drug tested for further screening for the time period that you need the benefits and without you objecting to them for doing