Rene Descartes was a brilliant thinker, philosopher, scientist, physiologist, and early psychologist whose theory of mind-body connection has become an integral part of modern medicine (Goodwin, 2008). His dualist view, asserted the mind was ethereal and autonomous in relation to the physical and strictly material body, and to account for their interaction, he proposed the pineal gland was where the intersection of the two transpired (Goodwin, 2008). He theorized the mechanistic, reflexive nature of certain human behaviors, although his one caveat was that reasoning and thoughts were unique properties of the human soul (Wickens, 2005). Descartes 's work laid some of the fundamental parameters for modern thought in psychology, encouraged further research on the localization of brain function, and promoted further experimental research of the nervous system (Goodwin, 2008).…
The Matrix and the reality it presents, is built off of representations of things that did exist in reality which is something that Descartes brings up.…
Based upon the belief that the mind and body are two separate entities, philosophers, such as Rene Descartes, support the Substance Dualism theory of mind, arguing that the mind, which is a thinking entity, may exist without the body, which is a physical extension, because it is its own individual substance of matter. In Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, he puts all concepts of previous certainty into question, intentionally leaving the reader with skepticism towards the concept of knowledge and mental capacity at large. Further, he continues to contend that the mind is distinctly different than the body and can be innovated due to its ability to think, whereas the body is merely a tangible and measureable dimension with no greater abilities, such as thinking or experiencing emotion. Additionally, Descartes further describes the ideas held by Substance Dualists through detailing that under this theory of mind, all entities are…
René Descartes (1596–1650) was a dualist and proposed that mind and body interact at the pineal gland. He hypothesized that the cerebrospinal fluid of the brain’s cavities contained spirits which flowed from the brain through the nerves to the muscles, provoking movement.…
He states that one can understand the mind to exist separately from the body. The middle term of the argument, as noted in the major premise is the separate understanding of two things, and he presents the idea of mind and body as the minor term. Descartes devotes a larger share of the argument to defending the minor premise, perhaps because the idea of body and mind as separate substances is more controversial than a general notion of separate substances as distinct. He goes on to expound not only the idea that the mind and body are separate, but that the essence of the human being lies in its nature as a thinking thing. As thought is the essence of the human being, and the principle attribute of the mind is thought, the mind can therefore be seen as more fundamental to humans than the body. Descartes acknowledges that it is likely for a body to be joined to the mind, however he maintains that one can still conceive of both body and mind as separate substances. And as the essence of the body is extension rather than thought, it is fundamentally less relevant to a thinking…
In the movie The Matrix, there is a super computer that controls the reality of all humans. Neo, a character in the movie, realizes that the Matrix is not real. Morpheus helps him to come to this realization that his “life” was not real, that a super computer was programming his thoughts, and experiences. All the humans were in this huge machine with their brains connected to a bunch of wires, and their thoughts were being inputted by the computer. In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, there is a similar situation. In his description of the prisoners of the cave, the prisoners were chained down, and only able to look a wall. There was a fire behind them and shadows from other walking by were played out on the wall for the prisoners to see. They believed the shadows to be real. When one of the prisoners were released, they perceived the real world in actuality, and the shadows they perceived to be real were not. Like in The Matrix, they believed only what they perceived. In Descartes’s Meditation I of the Things of Which May Doubt, he says he will doubt everything he believes unless he is absolutely certain of the truth of the belief. He believes that our senses can deceive us on many levels. Descartes’s also says when we dream we can never be sure what is real and what is a dream. The…
I see why Descartes thinks a body is dividable because he believes that the body had mass. So if I lose any mass such as an arm or a leg, I would still have a body. It may not be a whole body with two arms, two legs and so on. Descartes believe that even though I would lose an arm or leg nothing is taken away from the mind. Which I believe he is right. I have seen what individuals can do without say an arm, or no legs. Just because I lose a part of my body doesn’t make me less of a person. There’s still ways to achieve goals or dreams with the right mind set. The mind is able to send signals to the body to help the body achieve certain challenges throughout life. The mind can make a person do amazing things but the person has to believe it is possible in order to achieve goals or dreams. So I don’t think the mind and the brain is the same but they need each other in other to work.…
Descartes is, perhaps, the philosopher that most people reference when discussing the mind-body problem. For Descartes, there are two substances: Mind and Matter. Each substance has a defining attribute. In the case of Mind, the defining attribute is Thought. In the case of Matter, the defining attribute is spatial Extension. It is important to note that for Descartes, substances can have nothing in common, otherwise they would not be fundamentally different things. The mind-body problem arises out of this view of substances, because if mind and body have nothing in common, then in what way can they be said to interact? This is known as the problem of interaction.…
But, all of these sensory responses are purely physical. So, another explanation was needed in order to describe that which in not physical such as thoughts, emotion, pleasure, and pain. And the result of this was Descartes ' substance dualism theory. Because things such as pleasure, pain, thoughts, and emotion do not occur physically, but rather in the mind, his conclusion was that they are two separate things. His main reasoning for this is clearly stated when he says "I saw that while I could pretend that I had no body and that there was no world and no place for me to be in, I could not for all that pretend that I did not exist. I saw on the contrary that from the mere face that I thought of doubting the truth of other things, it followed quite evidently and certainly that I existed..." (Stevenson 86). In this, he explains that it was possible for him to doubt the existence of his body, without doubting his own existence as a thinking being. Therefore his existence as a thinking being must…
According to Ilana Moss (2009), “The mind is a tricky thing. Some say the mind is a result of electrical activity in the brain. Others believe the mind exists outside of the body and affects the brain, causing the electromagnetic activity that we can observe with technology. Either way, the mind is not something we can point to and say, "There it is"!” Dr. Candace Pert (Weiss, 2001) states that, “our bodies don 't exist to carry our heads around, any thinking has the whole body participating.” This means every aspect of thinking has our entire body included in the process. “Pert explains that each neuron in the human brain has hundreds of thousands of receptors. ‘Receptors are proteins, and these receptors literally vibrate and constantly change shape.’ She continues: ‘As more peptides were discovered in the brain, more were also found in other systems of the body. Therefore, the body-soul connection is actually physical. These receptors wax and wane depending on how much bombardment they get. They 're in a constant state of loud chatter.’" (Weiss, 2001).…
The mind, or ‘soul’ as it has come to be known to some, is classified as a ‘non-physical entity’ that is separate from the brain by Cartesian Dualists and linked to (but still different from) the brain by Property Dualists. These are perfectly reasonable ways to look at it as such concepts as qualia and privileged access and the fact that mental phenomena lack spatial features support these theories. While Materialists may doggedly reject Dualism, it can be noted that some of their arguments are by no means iron-clad, including their trump card, the ‘interaction problem’. Also, Materialistic arguments fail to address and explain our mental experiences taking…
Unfortunately for mechanism, the mind is impossible to define in mechanical terms, as it is not a corporeal substance that can be measured. Descartes responds to this problem with dualism, saying that the mind is a “thinking thing” which is the essence of himself. This “thing” doubts, believes, hopes and thinks, all the while existing only in a…
The first argument I put forward to support dualism is; the brain and mind of human beings are different from each other. They both have unique properties and distinctive roles in human beings. The brain has definable characteristics that can be observed and analysed (Robinson, 2012, p.2). For example the activity of the brain when sleeping is examinable on electroencephalograms (Marieb & Hoehn, 2013, p.452). A magnetic resonance imaging reveals the location of different functions of the brain (Marieb & Hoehn, 2013, p.432¬). When dissected, the brain’s physical properties, such as size, shape and colour can be analysed (Robinson, 2012, p.2). On the other hand the mind is not discernible to science, it does not have physical properties like the brain. The mind is a mental awareness of the interactions occurring within and around the human body (Robinson, 2012, p.7). It observes and moderates our thoughts, emotions and reactions (Robinson, 2012, p.2). The mind is the human body’s mental state. It is private and only observable to other humans, by that human’s behaviour, actions and voiced output…
The Official Doctrine: This part deals with the human body and mind, how they are interconnected but still different at the same time. He displays the physical human body to be a public affair and something that all in this world can visually see; the mind however, is a much more private and personal affair. With this belief, humans can have two parts: mind (private) and body (public), these parts play different roles as one can affect the other or completely disguise the other. Ryle states that Descartes may have uncertainties about episodes in the physical world, but does not have any uncertainties when analyzing the state of his mind. For example, say Bob’s mind is expressed, no one but Bob will be able to respond to these expressions (feelings). Changes in both of the worlds can affect one another through the physical and intellectual (mind) aspects and challenges that one may face in their lifetime.…
In “Descartes’s Myth,” Gilbert Ryle main conclusion is that the body and mind are two separate beings.…