First, congress has unsuccessfully tried to regulate fracking by passing the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act in 2009, 2011, and again in 2013. Second, oil and gas industry leaders continue hampering regulations and oversight by spending more than $747 million in the last 10 years on lobbying and political campaign efforts (Browning and Kaplan). Third, the incomprehensible fact is that hydraulic fracturing continues operations without restriction while the U.S. Geological Survey concluding that earthquakes near Youngstown, Ohio were manmade, when evidence shows no manmade activity in the area except fracking (Bambrick 2) and a recommendation by Environmental Commissioner Joe Martin to ban fracking due to unresolved health issues (Esch). Fourth, a Boston College review about communities in the dark reveals rural property owners are approached by companies offering huge royalties for land rights promising safe practices and stating that no harm will come to them; however, when numerous reports of illness occur these large entities hide the chemicals they use by citing trade secret laws; meanwhile, the near-poverty-level individuals lack the finances to fight back (Fisher 100). Consequently, even those who have damning evidence tend to settle out of court, leaving no help for others suffering, because litigation is sealed or accompanied by a statement of confidentiality. If Sunshine Law mentality applied to private litigation, transformation of inept practices would progress more rapidly, including standards and policies for safe drilling, safe waste disposal, safe storage of fracking chemicals, and requirements for well
First, congress has unsuccessfully tried to regulate fracking by passing the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act in 2009, 2011, and again in 2013. Second, oil and gas industry leaders continue hampering regulations and oversight by spending more than $747 million in the last 10 years on lobbying and political campaign efforts (Browning and Kaplan). Third, the incomprehensible fact is that hydraulic fracturing continues operations without restriction while the U.S. Geological Survey concluding that earthquakes near Youngstown, Ohio were manmade, when evidence shows no manmade activity in the area except fracking (Bambrick 2) and a recommendation by Environmental Commissioner Joe Martin to ban fracking due to unresolved health issues (Esch). Fourth, a Boston College review about communities in the dark reveals rural property owners are approached by companies offering huge royalties for land rights promising safe practices and stating that no harm will come to them; however, when numerous reports of illness occur these large entities hide the chemicals they use by citing trade secret laws; meanwhile, the near-poverty-level individuals lack the finances to fight back (Fisher 100). Consequently, even those who have damning evidence tend to settle out of court, leaving no help for others suffering, because litigation is sealed or accompanied by a statement of confidentiality. If Sunshine Law mentality applied to private litigation, transformation of inept practices would progress more rapidly, including standards and policies for safe drilling, safe waste disposal, safe storage of fracking chemicals, and requirements for well