In 1946, (Boundless) …show more content…
the Federal Regulation of Lobbying was passed, which is a bill by the U.S congress to reduce the influence of lobbyist. (US Legal) “The primary objective of the 1946 Act was to establish a system of lobbyist registration and disclosure. The Act provided a system of registration and financial disclosure of those attempting to influence legislation in Congress.” I don’t think the act is very effective, I believe there are loopholes in a majority of laws which allow people to get away with things. Jack Abramoff (CBSNewsOnline video) says in a 60 minutes interview called “The lobbyist’s playbook” says “you can take a congressman to lunch and spend $25 on his lunch, but you can invite him to a fundraising lunch still buy him lunch, but give him $25,000 extra and call it a fundraiser”. (13:06-13.46) Personally, I believe restrictions and oversight on interest groups shouldn’t be toughened. These groups are allowed to voice their opinions and in no way should they be limited on what they can do or say, but I do believe that legislators should not take any gifts, bribes, and etcetera. When someone becomes a legislator, congressman, and other public political figures they are hired to create and ratify laws on behave of their own beliefs and to work with others to resolve issues, not to accept anything in the form of gifts, money, or favors. Taking Bribery is not in the job description; therefore I would suggest more restrictions on legislators, not interest groups.
As I’ve stated before, more restrictions on legislators, not on interest groups.
Since legislators are prone to giving in to bribery I do believe some limitations on interest groups, but not excessive ones because I believe they are able to express their viewpoints as their participating in a group. I believe money does revolve around everything; money tends to get people to the front row and leaving everyone who is economically disadvantaged behind and unheard. A way we can get everyone’s voice heard is have limits how much money can be raised by an interest group and how much of the earnings are pocketed by high level officials. For example, 60 percent of the money raised for The Wounded Warrior Project went to higher level officials such as the CEO and other higher level members on the committee, and only 40 percent went to the actual war veterans. I believe if we a have a limit on how much a group can raise and do, all interest groups would have an equal voice.
People are influenced in many different ways, and interest groups can be a part of their ideology. I don’t think that interest groups have a high percentage on extensively influencing today’s politics. Things that influence politics today are problems we face today such as immigration, gun control, foreign affairs, and excreta. Interest groups are divided into two categories and those are economically and noneconomic which I think can have a small influence, but “we the people” have a greater influence since we participate and give feedback to political
Some examples of 21st century interest groups that have influenced lawmaking would be the Nation Rifle Association. The NRA is a group in the hot seat for advocating the use of fire arms, and some people don’t believe in the use of them because of the ongoing violence among them. An example on the way the NRA has influenced law making is the fight they put up when President Obama tried putting extensive restriction on firearm possession. As of right now no one has compromised on a bill that would please gun owners and those who don’t own because the NRA has made their stance on how putting limitation on gun owners would be violating their right.
Another group that has influence lawmakers is Planned Parenthood. The nonprofit organization has caused uproar on recent investigational videos showing that they sell fetal body parts for scientific research. Planned Parenthood defense is that they serve and provide women with medical services. With abortion being a hot topic in America about being inhumane, the government decided to cut their funding excessively, and leaving millions of low income women without medial assistance. They have influenced lawmakers to not contribute to their organization.
In conclusion, I believe interest groups and legislators have to be regulated; having more restrictions on legislators than the interest groups. There are hundreds of thousands of interest groups today that influence today’s society and play a role on ones ideology and decision making.