When Captain Humayun Khan’s …show more content…
Khizr Khan starts of with saying that he is a “...devoted, patriotic American, and a Muslim.” After stating what loss him and his wife had gone through, he publicly called out Donald Trump. One of Trump’s major goal is to block off immigrants, especially muslims, from entering the United States. Trump fails to recognize that immigrants greatly contribute to the society of America and the United States as a whole. Khan continues to ask a very controversial question to Donald Trump. Khan says, “Let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution?” as he pulls out a copy of the document from his jacket pocket. He then followed up the question by saying, “I will gladly lend you my copy...look for the words liberty, and equal protection of law.” By saying this, he opens people's eyes to make them aware of the image that Donald Trump is attacking muslims, more clear. Khan blatantly reminds viewers that patriots who risk their entire lives and would die for America “...come in all genders, faiths, and