In order to understand Nagel’s argument, we have to define some terms. Qualia are a term that refers to the information we can easily have a hold on pertaining …show more content…
The first mark states that mental states are intentional. This refers to the fact that the mind makes reality seem different than what it actually may be. The second mark refers to the fact that the mental states are concious’. These marks of the mind make it difficult for physicalists to believe in what the opposing argument may have to say because they believe that through the marks of the mind their theories are infallible. I think this makes the anti-physicalists’ work a little harder for …show more content…
Nagel says in his analysis that it is rather hard to give an objective point of view of a conscious of another object. He questions whether or not we can actually understand what its like to be a bat. A bat has a lot of characteristics that can be described scientifically such as their perception of depth and motion. These characteristics cannot be described for them and a human or another object cannot know what it is like. This is qualia that we can not receive. The only explanations we can give regarding the experience of a bat or any other physical phenomena has to be in a subjective