An epidemic that is influencing our society today, is sex trafficking. The sex trade industry is rampant in several countries such as Brazil, South Africa, and The United States. As a result, our culture is slowly becoming more aware of this controversy on sex trafficking. However; we as a society are unaware of who these victims are and how they came to be in the sex industry. Fortunately; as we have increased our awareness, we have created interventions as well as established several policies to combat sex trafficking. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the efforts that have been made to instill awareness in the general population, and introduce interventions and policies that have been implemented in the fight …show more content…
While this definition is universal, other countries suggest their own exclusive interpretations. For example, the South Africans characterize sex trafficking as an individual who has been “delivered, recruited, transported, harbored, sold, exchanged or leased within or across the borders of South Africa” (IRIN, 2014, p. 12). Additionally, there has to be “a threat or use of force, coercion, deception with the purpose of sexual exploitation, servitude, forced labor or the removal of body parts” (IRIN, 2014, p. …show more content…
These reasons include; “poverty, limited work opportunities, and a lack of government resources” (legal or law enforcement infrastructure) (UNICEF, 2009, p.10). Consequently, these components will persuade an individual to engage in sex trafficking. Although; these circumstances can cause a victim to become vulnerable, pimps will use captivating strategies to allure their victims. As stated in the Sharedhope International article, there are two descriptions of pimps: The Romeo Pimp and the Gorilla Pimp. The Romeo Pimp, “who prides himself on controlling others, primarily through psychological manip¬ulation. Although he may shower his victims with affection and gifts (especially during the recruitment phase), the threat of violence is always present” (Sharedhope International, 2015). And the Gorilla Pimp, “who controls his victims almost entirely through physical violence and force” (Sharedhope International, 2015). On the other hand, victim will not always be forced into sex trafficking by violence or deception. Rather, a victim can be engaged by a friend, family member, or have entered into the lifestyle on their own. Accordingly, statistics revealed that “72 percent of street workers were introduced to the work by someone else, most by a friend. Fifty-three percent of indoor workers entered prostitution on their own… and 15.3 percent by a family member…. (Gould