The war lasted the term of four presidents; Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. Eisenhower did not agree with The Geneva Peace Accords signed by France and Vietnam. France did not have the capacity to go on with the conflict in Vietnam, and Eisenhower believe that the accords gave too much power to a communist Vietnam, so he decided to send economic and military help, thus creating the Government of the Republic of Vietnam. From there on, there was altercations between the two Vietnams. President Johnson and his Tonkin Gulf Resolution was the beginning of war for the United States, consenting to the bombarding of targets north of …show more content…
the seventeenth parallel and relocating about 3500 Marines to South Vietnam.
The reason the United States became involved was to stop Communism from spreading.
Communism violated human rights, despised equality, and was against trading with other nations. It was believed that communism was spreadable and it needed to be stop or it would commence a domino effect with the surrounding nations. However, as time passed it was unclear if the issue was the stopping of communism and if they should continue in this war that was getting long and seemed irrational. There were many protests and various confrontations throughout the nation, and it was hard for soldiers who were living thru hell in Vietnam to understand what was happening back at home. Where was the support they needed during this difficult
Many of the men that enlisted in the militia were drafted while others joined voluntarily, aspiring to follow their family’s footpaths or to protect their nation. They were inexperienced, and many times only given minimal training before sent abroad. Because of their young age they did not see all the risks and the troubles they could possibly encounter at war. In the beginning, they were told that they were fighting for freedom. If they failed, communism would invade the United States and destroy their way of life. They knew that many of their brothers in arms were being killed, but that did not stop them. When at war, they understood while being under gunfire, that there was no fighting for their nation, or the flag, or even communism, but rather fighting for survival. It was as simple as those shooting you must die, and those next to you are your brothers and it is your job to help them stay alive.
The lives of all those who fought in the war was changed, one way or the other because of all the events they experienced. Although wars begin with the presidents and administrators of the nations, it is not physically fought by them, but by all those soldiers who have given their lives and have died or survived. During the Vietnam War, the soldiers felt that the people who were protesting were against them. Many felt unwanted when they came back. There was no gratitude towards those who had sacrificed everything in Vietnam. The actions of the people at the time and the terrible circumstances they encountered in the war, has reasonably left a mark on all those Veterans.
Many of the soldiers did not want to be at war, on a different country far from family and fighting for their lives. Sometimes it is hard to understand that there are people involved in both sides because of all the killings that happen during a war. We can all have different opinions on the war and either be against it or in favor, but should not disrespect the troubles all those soldiers went thru, with many of them losing their lives.