It has lots of percentages but they are not accurate on what they believe in. I totally agree with Zornick when it says that gun control is to become a big factor, especially looking at what has been happening today. I believed it was a well written article, although I thought it could have had a little more information added on reasons for wanting to do background checks. I also agree when voters agree to favor the background check. This article does not really cover what the political system is doing to make this issue better. The only thing mentioned is the majority of the votes will go for a candidate who would support expanded background checks. For the second article by Chapman I also thought that it was a well written article. I believed it covered more information on the topic of gun control, it was way more detailed then the first article. The second article had more information on ways to get a permit and had some examples of some reasons why some people just should not have guns. I agreed with the second article when it mentioned the restrictions for having a permit. Guns or any type of weapons should not be allowed anywhere near a school. Guns or any weapons should not be given to felons or mentally ill people, that would mean putting others in danger. I …show more content…
I think for the safety of others I think that it is necessary for a person who wants to have a permit for a fire arm should go through some requirements and training. A firearm should not be given just to anyone. I agree that busy public places should do background checks on guns for the safety of everyone. One of the most important places to have background checks would be at schools, especially since all this shooting have been happening at schools. I agreed with the second article when it said that felons and mentally ill people should not have the possession of a firearm. In my point of view, I disagree when it said that possession of a fire arm for the safety of your life and the life of your family at your own home is necessary. We should be able to protect ourselves in case of an intrusion or a robbery or some kind of assault against a person who is putting our lives in danger. Of course that I agree that in order of having a firearm a person should have special training before getting one not only for their own safety but for the safety of others. What I think is that if it is necessary for a person with a permit of a firearm should carry a concealed gun. So far I really haven’t seen anything done by the government that keeps this from happening. All I see in the news is more and more people dying because of firearms but nothing important is being done about