Respect for Colleagues. Shamoo and Resnik’s Responsible Conduct of Research describes having respect for colleagues as “Help[ing] to educate, train, mentor, and advise the next generation of researchers.” (Shamoo, 18). This is important because, as a lead researcher, you are taking responsibility for the researchers working under you. If a researcher practices ethical misconduct in the lab they are setting a bad example for their fellow researchers and therefore could be liable for any future misconduct their mentees commit. Also, in failing to pass on good research ethics to their mentees lead researchers are setting the future of scientific research up to fail.…
How would you feel if you were captured in a laboratory and forced to smell toxic fumes until death? Or immobilized in a restraining device for hours? Or have your skin burned off and spinal cord crushed? This is the reality for more than 100 million animals worldwide. In Canada, over 3.33 million animals are used in experiments and over 125 000 are subjected to severe pain. The animals are left for days to wait in fear of the next terrifying and traumatic experiment that will be performed on them. Major effects of stress and boredom trigger neurotic behaviors in the animals these include spinning in circles, rocking back and forth, pulling out their own hair and biting their own skin. Days go by, and after being locked in their tiny cages filled with fear, their journey usually ends with death. Animals are said to be used for advances and safety checks in products, but are the tests truly…
Do you ever think about if you are against or in favor of animal research? Animal experimentation is disputed because some people are favor and some are against. Animal research is used to discover those diseases that are without cure and to give the answers to the scientific community. Additionally, the animal experiments begin in ancient Rome and Greece. In the United States all pharmaceutical companies need first to experiment with the animals before humans. Nevertheless, without animal experimentation many of the most important advances in modern medicine would never have occurred. These experiments are important because scientists need to make sure that medicines are as safe and as good as possible before doctors give them to people and to discover more about how the medication works on human bodies.…
When it comes to animal research I feel there are to major dilemmas that arise that play a major role in how we determine the research methods as ethical or not: (1) do certain non-human species have changed consciousness and (2) to what extent do the animals suffer or experience death and how that influences their overall “well-being.” I pose these to issues because as rational, logical creatures we are capable of answering these two questions for ourselves and discuss our thoughts and feelings with one another, but we are unable to converse with or tap into the psyche of other species in a similar manner. Essential, we cannot determine with certainty if non-human species truly have a consciousness or evaluate their overall state (aside from…
Reported by the Guardian, the genetically modified monkeys that develop symptoms of autism can help scientists identify brain circuits dealing with common autistic behaviors and test new treatments. The issue on using animals in medical research is controversial, provoking the discussion about animal ethical and legal problems. Animal research has brought great advances in the fields of solving medical problems, curing diseases, and developing vaccines in recent decades. Since it makes significant contribution to the progress of medical research, from my perspective, animals should be used for medical research.…
`”God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages” (Deval, Jacques). There are many things wrong about animal research, and I think that a lot of it is wrong. Animal testing is wrong because it harms animals, animals’ rights are violated in tests, it is expensive, there are better alternatives, and the results of these tests aren’t always accurate or reliable.…
Animal experimentation saves lives and makes vaccines for diseases. But, millions of animals die for experimentation and it doesn’t work every time, even people die because of false information. Animals are important in their habitats and kingdoms. If people take them, then they can't do their jobs. Animal experimentation is not needed for us because of how many animals die for it and how many false procedures there are that also kill people.…
There are a lot of bad things that happen in this world and Animal Testing is one of them. Doctors,Scientists and other people test on these animals everyday. In my opinion there should be no animal testing at all. It is cruel. Right now there are millions of animals sitting in cold cages waiting for their next painful procedure. The stress, sterility and boredom causes them to develop neurotic behaviors such as, biting themselves and running around in circles. Most of these animals are killed after the testing because there is no possible way for them to live after this has happened. More than 100 million animals suffer this torture. Exact numbers have not been found, in rats, mice, birds, and cold blooded animals take up about 90 percent.…
Did you know that without animals being used for testing, we would not be able to use cosmetic items safely? Even is they were safe there would be no way we would know that at anytime out face or body would break out with a rash. There has been a HUGE controversy over testing animals. Honestly I believe that testing animals is the only fool proof way to keep humans safe. Continue to read this to find out why I believe to way I do..…
Imagine being confined to a cold cage, no bigger than you, without family, or friends, watching, as one by one, your compatriots leaving, but never come back, waiting silently for your turn. Good morning audience of the Federal Youth Parliament, this is what many animals endure before their final moments, tortured, hurt, and isolated. Animal experimenting is a national system of sadistic torture, vivisection, and genocide, which has been carried out for generations under the disguise of “medical research” and definitely must be stopped. The three main reasons for banning this grotesque science are: present experimentation is currently not species specific therefore results are inaccurate, killing for beauty is not worth it, and animals are more useful alive.…
Animal testing is a very controversial practice, involving the testing of new substances on animals to see how safe they will be for human use. (Vasen, 2011) Research has uncovered many cures for deathly diseases through animal testing. For over 2000 years cures for diseases such as Herpes, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Malaria, Polio and other such viruses have been created, through the use of testing the chemicals on animals such as mice, rabbits, cats, dogs or monkeys. (Shandilya, 2011) Animal Testing holds much criticism, and gets much scrutiny from anti Animal-Testing groups such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and CAAT (Coalition to Abolish Animal Testing). The controversy behind animal testing is that there are so many petitions against animal testing and some people go as far as to not consume products like toothpaste or…
The products seen in stores to get clear skin or the medication taken to ease pain all have one thing in common, majority of them have been tested on animals before they are available to humans. Without the use of animals for research life would be very different because animal research gave humans such a huge advancement in medicine. The research that is being tested will only continue to help the future generation.…
Margaret Lewin should keep Isaiah as a child for now in his life. When Isaiah gets older in life, and is able to understand knows the truth of the story he can choose to live with either his biological mother or adopted mother.…
It gives useless information, that does not help the human society. For example, 92% of drugs passed by animal tests fail when first tried on humans because they’re useless. Only two percent of illnesses are ever seen in animals, which proves that animal testing doesn’t have a purpose in helping humans. Each animal has a different body and is affected by specific things that other things may not be affected by. Scientists try to simulate animals to allow them to have certain conditions to make the drug useful. For example, heart attacks are simulated in dogs by compressing a coronary artery with a noose. Also, the results of animal experiments can be easily manipulated. The journal Annals of Internal Medicine stated that universities often exaggerate results of animal testing and promotes research that has unreliable evidence to human health. The facts that are given from these experiments don’t provide key facts to help…
Research on animals is important in understanding diseases and developing ways to prevent them. The polio vaccine, kidney transplants, and heart surgery techniques have all been developed with the help of animal research. Through increased efforts by the scientific community, effective treatments for diabetes, diphtheria, and other diseases have been developed with animal testing.<br><br>Animal research has brought a dramatic progress into medicine. With the help of animal research, smallpox has been wiped out worldwide. Micro-surgery to reattach hearts, lungs, and other transplants are all possible because of animal research. Since the turn of the century, animal research has helped increase our life-span by nearly 28 years. And now, animal research is leading to dramatic progress against AIDS and Alzheimer's disease.<br><br>Working with animals in research is necessary. Scientists need to test medical treatments for effectiveness and test new drugs for safety before beginning human testing. Small animals, usually rats, are used to determine the possible side effects of new drugs. After animal tests have proven the safety of new drugs, patients asked to participate in further studies can be assured that they may fare better, and will not do worse than if they were given standard treatment or no treatment.<br><br>New surgical techniques first must be carefully developed and tested in living, breathing, whole organ systems with pulmonary and circulatory systems much like ours. The doctors who perform today's delicate cardiac, ear, eye, pulmonary and brain surgeries, as well as doctors in training, must develop the necessary skills before patients' lives are entrusted to their care. Neither computer models, cell cultures, nor artificial substances can simulate flesh, muscle, blood, and organs like the ones in live animals. <br><br>There is no alternative to animal research. Living systems are complex. The nervous system, blood and brain chemistry, and gland…