The film Juno (directed by Jason Reitman) follows the story of a sixteen year old girl called Juno, becomes pregnant after having sex for the first time with her best friend, Paulie Bleacker. Juno is faced with the ultimate decision of keeping the baby, putting up for adoption or having an abortion. She decides to have an abortion but does not go through with it. After informing her parents of the accidental pregnancy, she decides to put the child up for adoption. She chooses a young couple (Mark and Vanessa) in there early thirties. After all the adoration papers are signed. She keeps Mark and Vanessa informed of doctors appointments and news. During the middle of the pregnancy Juno and Paulie end their
The film Juno (directed by Jason Reitman) follows the story of a sixteen year old girl called Juno, becomes pregnant after having sex for the first time with her best friend, Paulie Bleacker. Juno is faced with the ultimate decision of keeping the baby, putting up for adoption or having an abortion. She decides to have an abortion but does not go through with it. After informing her parents of the accidental pregnancy, she decides to put the child up for adoption. She chooses a young couple (Mark and Vanessa) in there early thirties. After all the adoration papers are signed. She keeps Mark and Vanessa informed of doctors appointments and news. During the middle of the pregnancy Juno and Paulie end their