There is also a strong sense of belonging. The employees believe in working in teams…
Providing the highest quality of life for our employer empowering them to make their own choices and ensuring their inclusion in the community…
In the quest to find out what is the ultimate human good, Aristotle dedicated Book 1 of the Nicomachean Ethics to provide an account of what is the ultimate human good, and what it consists of. This essay will examine why Aristotle thinks that eudaimonia (happiness), is the ultimate human good. Through this discussion, we will see Aristotle suggest four central views which are critical to eudaimonia being the ultimate human good. Firstly, one has to live a life according to one’s function. Secondly, natural, virtuous activity is required in order to live a life of happiness. Thirdly, one requires possessing external goods such as wealth, power and friends in order to be happy. Last but not least, in order to live a life of happiness, one has to live a whole life in accordance to virtue in order to determine if the person lived a happy life.…
In Aristotle’s Nicomachean ethics book one, he starts of describing “good”. He believes that every activity humans do is to achieve a good. The satisfactory goals we have are to achieve a greater good. And our highest good is classified as the supreme good. Politics is a form of this good. But it cannot be classified as the supreme good because what is good for one may not be good for another.…
WORK ENVIRONMENT: a workplace where you can enjoy the challenges, co-workers, and atmosphere is very attracting for talent. They want to feel the company they work for as a second home, trusting on it and feeling the need to commit themselves fully in all job activities. An organization that care for its employees happiness and well-being is more likely to be chosen by talent, who will stay longer and be more productive. This in turn reduces turnover costs and increases profitability.…
“Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it’s off to work we go(??).” In today’s workplace, this can be a happy tune to start the day or a sad death march towards another paycheck. The employer/employee relationship plays a major factor in the tone of this tune. For some employees the work place is an undesirable destination and for others it may be a paradise. If an employee, is fortunate enough to have an employer that demonstrates great leadership and creates a positive work environment, then that employee will most definitely sing a happy tune. Unfortunately, other employees sing the blues due to having employers that lack in leadership qualities and create a negative work environment.…
environment in which everybody feels valued, their talents are fully utilised and services meet the requirements of diverse service users.…
In Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle makes the case for the fulfillment of Eudimonea, the greatest happiness and good that a person can achieve. He states that there are 3 ways in which creatures, human specifically go about trying to fulfill Eudimonea. The first is through pleasure, be it sensual, tactile or mental. Through this basic ingredient me experience such things as food, games, and science fiction novels. The 2nd part of Aristotle’s Eudimonea is honor and recognition, be it recognition from friends, or from an achievement. This also represents political achievements as Aristotle claimed that through service to others you strengthened you self. The third, final and most important aspect of Eudimonea is reflection. Being able to subject you own beliefs and experiences to rigorous self examination and reinterpretation. This is the key part of Aristotle’s teachings, being able to take your pleasures and recognition and reflect and glean from them. One thing that Aristotle is very clear on is that to achieve these objectives one must have been subjected to the proper society when growing up, a society steeped in order. A lawless or anarchic society would not meet the base prerequisites for this objective to be fulfilled.…
“What Makes a Great Place to Work.” Great Place to Work Institute. 2008. Retrieved on 29 March 2007 from…
Inside Jobs Coaching Company (n.d.) Ten ways to create a positive work environment [online] available from [8 November 2013]…
“When a work environment is efficient and friendly the extent of conflict within the workplace is reduced. Less conflict results in the employees being able to concentrate on the tasks at hand and they are therefore more productive.” Paul O’ Brian, an expert in Business Development Management Roles, tells us his opinion on the importance of a friendly environment with employees who work well together. When a work environment is strong and friendly, chances are that employee relations are well and that makes it so it is a pleasant atmosphere for everyone. In turn, this brings about motivation for the employees and increases production significantly. O’ Brian backs this idea with, “Companies that have invested into employee relations programs have experienced increases in the productivity, and therefore the increased productivity leads to increases in profits for the business.” It seems companies have realized the significance of positive social identity of their employees. Communication is key when it comes to helping employees deal with their jobs and to avoid conflict and stress that may arise as a result of miscommunication or being…
Aristotle believes in that idea of eudemonia through the function argument, the golden mean, and contemplation is the backbone of a good life. He also believes that in order to be content humans should have and know their final end or goal in life. Through this paper, I will explain what Aristotle thinks about approaching a good life and mixing into his argument, of what I personally think. I will do this when a number of examples to give a visual aid of coming from my viewpoint of how I believe it is perceived.…
A successful bond between person and an organization is based on a common foundation of beliefs and behaviors. Similar interests and work ethics allow effective communication and a common organizational culture. In this paper I will discuss several aspects of my workplace and my viewpoints on each.…
In today’s business-ran world, having a company with employees who work well together and also enjoy each other’s presence is a great thing to have. It is well known that happiness amongst employees in the work place equals a more productive company. A person would not want to work hard for the company he/she is employed at if they dred going to work every day and dealing with employees they either do not like or they don’t work well with. Many business’ have figured out this strategy and have made changes to encorporate employees to get to know each other better and eventually work better with each other.…
Employee morale has a direct influence on productivity, which is why organizations spend large sums of money trying to make working environments comfortable, pleasant, and even luxurious. When sincerity and pure motives are combined with highly developed business leadership and consistent decision making skills, the outcome is a powerful and highly motivated organization. In searching for business solutions, one must be innovative in developing ways to positively impact not only the client but also co-workers and peers.…