The problem about justice has been found present throughout history, in this way, Aristotle himself and tried to define it, dividing it into the so-called Private Law, or law of the polis, and the Common Law, that which is present in nature. The main doctrines define justice, as the set of rules and regulations that can regulate conduct between individuals, on the permissiveness avalación, prohibition and restriction of certain behaviors or actions on human actions or institutions, however, is from the science of law, which is quite complex to achieve a single definition on this concept, since it depends on many factors and in addition, there are as many definitions as authors, because justice is due to a particular context, where there are experiences, circumstances and situations quite different.
In the fifth book of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle presents the single most necessary of all for the conservation of the world, which is the virtue of justice, without which neither the things of war, nor the great treasures acquired, nor live with great care, neither do long mercedes, saving enough to preserve the Republic. Which is readily discernible in the historical context of different civilizations such as Roman, who despite being the greatest monarch the world has seen, since the justice between them began to darkening, he hit big fall that killed the everything. (Aristotle, s.f: 126).
Despite the historical difference of the Aristotelian theory of justice in contemporary society, may suggest prospects for addressing the problem of the establishment of a just civil order in Colombia. If we examine more generally the Judiciary in the country would argue that there is a lingering uncertainty on the part of citizens with respect to access, opportunity, adequate size, effectiveness and efficiency of justice. In this context, several aspects of the works of Aristotle that can be used to overcome great
References: • Aristotle. (S.f), Nicomachean Ethics. Book V, pages 126-158. • SERRANO, Enrique. (2005). Aristotelian theory of justice. Cervantes Virtual Library.Taken from the Web Retrieved on Monday, September 13, 2010.