Aristotle enforces the idea that there are three types of friendships two of which are selfish friendships: …show more content…
Feelings change often and once the feeling of pleasure leaves so will the wanting of that relationship. Aristotle believes this tends to happen mostly amongst young adults due to the fact that their young nature permits them to act rationally on their emotions. Utility friendships are based on how one party benefits from the other. Once the use of that person runs out than the person who was utilizing them will end the relationship. “Thus when the reason for the friendship is done away, the friendship is dissolved, inasmuch as it existed only for the ends in questions.” (Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, …show more content…
This would be called self-love. Some of which Aristotle lists such as “one who wishes his friend to exist and live for his sake” and “one who grieves and rejoices with his friend.” (Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, p.168) Basically a relationship a child has with his or her mother is the characteristics of a virtuous person. In order to have a good friendship with someone you must engage in virtuous acts. More characteristics of a virtuous man include, harmonious opinions and he wishes himself to live and be preserved. “Existence is good to the virtuous man, and each man wishes himself what is good.” (Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics,