a. Sexuality- ideas about sexuality have changed tremendously in the past few decades. In this day and age, it is acceptable to be openly homosexual or bisexual. Seventeen states have made gay marriage legal.
b. Marijuana- In the past marijuana was deemed illegal. Recently a few states have made it legal to buy. It can even be purchased at legal shops or dispensaries. It has been proven to benefit those who suffer from seizures, certain types of cancer, and pain management.
2. Ideas on the wane, are disappearing, or have become nearly extinct in our lifetimes. (It's relatively easy to think of technological gadgets that fall into this category. Try to come up with some social and cultural ideas too.)
a. Manners- I work at an elementary school and it seems as though most people are no longer teaching their kids manners. Most children no longer say excuse me, or thank you.
b. Writing letters- Writing a letter used to be a common way to communicate. Now that the world has e-mail, texting and other easier, quicker ways to communicate, it seems as though letter writing has died.
3. Ideas that are "contagious" and rapidly spread from mind to mind.
a. Rumors spread like a wild fire. Rumors can be heard at the office, schools, the internet, and radio. Whether they are true or false, they spread quickly.
b. Negativity spreads quickly. Typically when one person has a negative, others become negative. 4. Ideas that increase our survival and reproductive success (and are thus "adaptive" in biological terms)
a. Healthy Eating- 10-20 years ago fast food chains were extremely popular and no one really cared about the negative effects it had on our bodies, it was a matter of convenience. Now, fast food has been proven to cause obesity and other harmful body issues. In today’s world most focus on staying fit and eating better, more nutritious foods.
b. Exercise- Recently it seems as