The world was a more peaceful place as a new Intermediate- Range- Nuclear Forces Treaty. While this treaty reduced tension it also calmed down the general public from countries other then the United States and the USSR. The way this was achieved was by eliminating intermediate range missiles. As this happened specifically Europe happened to get calmer because since the superpowers didn’t have any missiles that could attack them they felt safer. By getting rid of these intermediate range weapons it reduced tension as well as made the people in Europe feel safer.
Until the SALT II there weren’t any treaties that significantly reduced the number of nuclear weapons. In Source A which talked about SALT I and II achieved what they were set out to do. Source B showed what the SALT I agreement did by limiting the number of nuclear weapons although it shows that the USSR has more the United States had better technology so to even it out the treaty gave the USSR more ICBM’s. Although the SALT I took a big step towards the reduction of