Professionals often refer to their profession as a calling not a job. They earned the trust of their clients by the applied Ethics in their perspective professions. The Profession of Arms often prides itself on its transparency which allows the American people, the client, to maintain the trust of the public it serves. The Army profession must reflect on the character of its relationship with the American people, faithfulness to the Constitution and the values of the Nation. (The Profession of Arms, 8 December 2010). The trust is fundamental in the Profession of Arms by the American people after all it is them who elect the civilian authority that enforces the oath of its Soldiers, the Constitution . American people trust the Army as a profession to get it right and place leaders at the right levels who are qualified, competent, and leaders of character. The clients understand and trust that they Army Ethics provides this as the framework for developing leaders and Soldiers professional character. (The Military Review: The Profession of Arms, September 2011) The professions morals and ethics must be enforced within all ranks of the Army in order to allow the client to maintain the…