my philosophy regarding leadership. As a 42A, I believe that we are customer service
driven. As 42A’s we owe Soldiers, Retirees, and their families the ultimate service
experience. Their issues become our issues, and we will assist them in any way
possible. Professionalism is directed in everything that we do and live the Army Values.
I am also a believer in team effort. Meaning that the opinions and experiences of every
team member contributes to our effectiveness regardless of rank. Meaning that many
tasks or procedures are up for discussion when feasible, and other times it will not be.
My beliefs are that every Soldier must be cared for in three areas …show more content…
in their life prior
to maintaining their ability to execute their Soldier tasks. The mind, body, and spirit
must be given the proper attention before any request can be fulfilled for Soldiers and
Retirees. Many of us have faced adversity and the stress of deployments and have lost
many brothers and sisters in arms as casualties of war on the home front. Therefore I
fully support and advise anyone to seek help without any preconceived stigmas. Mental
health is not taboo, and is a reality and necessity to perform our duties at work, home,
and abroad. Physical fitness is also important, not only for physical health but for
mental health as well. My religion is my refuge and strength on a daily basis. Whatever
you believe in, seek it. Use it to achieve the inner peace that is required of us. Wearing
the uniform can be both rewarding and stressful.
Before, during, and after I put on a uniform my primary role is a mother.
demands of us are high, but ultimately it is our families that provide the fuel to propel us
through the organizations in which we serve. As your senior leader, I will never forget
that. My only fear is to retire and realize that I have missed too many occasions that
were important to my family. An article written by Col. Mark Blum called “Important vs.
Urgent” brought me to this realization. The ultimate premise was to ensure that we all
run out of our career before we run out of family. Therefore I will mediate those
circumstances so that you can make those recitals, graduations, football games, etc.
Take leave when the mission permits, spend time with family, and nurture those bonds
that will outlast your time in uniform.
Overall, I am fair and impartial. My Soldiers will always be my priority. I will never
request anything of my Soldiers that I have not or will not do myself. My expectations is
that we will work hard, accomplish the mission, exceed expectations, and take care of
one another. We are also a family and we spend countless hours together that often
exceed our times spent at home. My door is always open and the lines
communication will remain intact