Analysis of the book " The World and the West "
I have proposed to do an analysis on the main ideas of Arnold Toynbee's book " The World and the West ", written in 1953. Though it has already passed more than half a century from its publication, I believe that the thoughts exposed in this work continue being in force. The significance of each one of Toynbee's theses are still a motive of discussion between intellectuals of the most diverse tendencies. For the public in general, his thought is unknown. " The World and the West " put within reach of all the central ideas of this great English historian . This one had its origin in a series of conferences that the same Toynbee read at the BBC in 1952. Before entering to an analysis and to a later reflection of this book, I believe that, to facilitate the comprehension of the topics to treating, it is necessary refer to the personal aspects of the author of the book. Arnold Toynbee was a historian who was interested in wide groups of culture from very early . His classic formation ( he studied Greek in Oxford) put him in touch with the Greco-Roman world. It is in this interest that see reflected some of his central ideas: the History has to be a cultural complete entity and the unit of the world is the only one mean of assuring its future survival. To understand to the world is easier when the world is apprehended as one. An intelligible field of historical study is not situated inside a national structure. Always he put his deep knowledge of the past to the service of his present. He was employed at the Foreign Office, which meant him to take part actively in the political or administrative decisions that had world repercussions. During the World War II, he suggested to Winston Churchill the idea of the historical offer of union with France. He was a teacher of the University of London and Director of Studies of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. But, for above