Usually the more expensive the essential oil, the less of it you will need to use. There are also many different families of aromatherapy smells. Citrus, Floral, Veracious, Camphor, Spicy, Resin, Woody, and Earthy are the majority of the aromatherapy smells. There are approximately 400 plants that can actually produce essential oils and we only use about 300 of them. Essential oils also contain many therapeutic properties. Therapeutic properties include antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal, antiseptic, restorative, calming, toning, deodorant, nervine, sedative, stimulating, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, expectorant, etc. Some examples would be that lavender essential oil has calming and restorative properties, while tea tree essential oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is also important to keep natural aromatherapy products out of the reach of children and to be cautious using these products when pregnant. Whether the products are natural or synthetic, these two cautions should be used. It is also important to not use undiluted essential oils directly on your
Usually the more expensive the essential oil, the less of it you will need to use. There are also many different families of aromatherapy smells. Citrus, Floral, Veracious, Camphor, Spicy, Resin, Woody, and Earthy are the majority of the aromatherapy smells. There are approximately 400 plants that can actually produce essential oils and we only use about 300 of them. Essential oils also contain many therapeutic properties. Therapeutic properties include antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal, antiseptic, restorative, calming, toning, deodorant, nervine, sedative, stimulating, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, expectorant, etc. Some examples would be that lavender essential oil has calming and restorative properties, while tea tree essential oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is also important to keep natural aromatherapy products out of the reach of children and to be cautious using these products when pregnant. Whether the products are natural or synthetic, these two cautions should be used. It is also important to not use undiluted essential oils directly on your