Can you imagine your own child saying Marriage is an institution that is considered successful, if, it lasts a lifetime. There are different customs and traditions that are followed in different societal set-ups. Middle eastern society, arranged marriages are known to exist since ages. The structure of the Middle eastern and Indian society is built up in such a way that first preference is given to the family values and the individual 's choice follows after. Respect towards elders and the conservative mindset paves the way for arranged marriages. Women are generally restricted to the boundaries of homes environ and are prohibited to move independently in the society. Therefore, it becomes almost impossible for them to search a groom on their own. A girl 's (or should I say the already bride to be) consent is not considered compulsory in orthodox society. Even the young boys are also expected to mutely follow the decision taken by elders related to their marriage. An eight-year-old Yemeni child that was married off to a man old enough to be her grandfather to settle some financial debt her father had with the old fart, later on after her wedding night she was found bleeding to death because that monster who had daughters around her age decided to pleasure himself.
On the other hand Love marriages are considered more of as western influence so they say. Although, the concept is now acceptable in the modern societal set ups in Middle eastern and India it is still not embraced heartedly in rural parts of the country. Love marriage is more acceptable and comprehensible to the modern generation. It helps the duo to know each other well even if it has to be hidden from their parents at times, before taking the crucial decision of life. But independence covets highest degree of responsibility also. Love marriages grants the opportunity to choose the partner but the responsibility of choosing the right person is also laid on
Cited: Work Habboush, Mahmoud “Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist.” Yahoo News. 10 September. 2013. Print. Dhar, Sujoy. “Indian girl rails against early, arranged marriages.” The Washington Times. 2 June. 2010.