Empathic listening is interpreting a message as if you were in those person’s shoes. You have to feel the same emotions they are in order to get a complete understanding of a situation. I have found that this style of listening is quite often the easiest for me to take part in because I love to view things from other people’s perspectives because it gives me a better understanding of my own. I feel like practicing it is the best way to enhance this type of listening, so I have decided to use empathic listening with my two room mates this week just to gain views through there perspective.
My roommates are complete opposites, but we all get along. One of my roommates Jesse is an open book and wants to tell you everything and expects you to view things his way. In Jesse’s opinion his way is the right way. My other roommate Nick is the complete opposite because he is quiet, respectful, and listens more than he speaks.
For this exercise I made sure that I was aware I was practicing empathic listening all week, because I would set a reminder on my cell phone to “make sure to practice empathic listening with your room mates.” I did this becomes it often becomes difficult sometimes to always use empathic listening because on occasion I don’t care what either has to say.
I decided to practice on Jesse first. The important conversation this week was Jesse’s girl friend issues. He felt that she didn’t respect his space, and he was tired of always being tied down, but he didn’t know how to tell her. I used the silence strategy and head nods because I know all Jesse really wanted was to be heard. I would say things like “well if I was in your shoes man I feel like the best way to address this situation is to do something that keeps your mind off of it.” I would then paraphrase his conversation and say things like “so what your saying is you just want some alone time to be able to do what you want, how can she not respect that?” I would agree with