Ashley Stein
ART 101
University of Phoenix
Art Timeline
Mare and Stallion (mini), 1870 by Pierre Jules Mene
This sculpture was one of Mene’s most famous pieces of art work. This sculpture was first put out for viewers to see in the Paris Salon in 1952. The public went nuts over this sculpture, later this sculpture was made in three different sizes. The sculpture in my presentation is the smallest one made and is considered a miniature. In this sculpture both horses are stallions, whereas in the original sculpture it showed a mare and a stallion. Still to this day this piece of artwork is very popular in demand.
Chow Chow, 1915 by Franz Ziegler
Franz F. Zeigler was born in Germany in 1869 and came to America in 1892. In the 1900’s he become contracted through Gorham Company as an artist. He produced many pieces of art work in silver designs and bronze sculptures. In this particular sculpture the Chow Chow dog was a very popular dog in the 1900’s. In the sculpture by Franz Zeigler of the Chow Chow dog he shows much detail of the dog such as the thick coat and the lion like head. This sculpture is used y the Gorham Foundry.
Indian on Horseback, 1970 by J.C.Dye
“J.C. Dye is a contemporary Western sculptor born in 1948, he lives in Montana and is a self taught artist” ( J.C. is highly known for his sculptures and how well modeled and detailed they are. Almost all of his sculptures are that of the Western theme such as Native Americans, Indians, and animals. In this sculpture J.C. shows and Indian on his horse, the Indian is holding a bow and looking for something to hunt. In this particular sculpture there were only 15 made, so if you see this sculpture know it is very rare and very popular.
Bear with Jug, 1970 by E.Egan
This small bronze sculpture is pretty amusing when looking at all the detail that E. Egan has put into this piece of art work. In the Bear with Jug sculpture you see the bear leaning back