Chapter 1
The methods of prehistoric painters
The most important meaning of an artwork (according to Getlein)
The relationship between perception and art
The reasons why art is made, and the tasks art accomplishes
Familiarize yourself with the following images from the text:
Vanitas, tim Hawkinson’s “Emoter,” Stonehenge,
Chapter 2
How to determine the following aspects of a work of art: form, subject, context
The differences between representational, non-representational, and abstract works.
How the definition of the word art has changed across time.
How Van Gogh
A definition for Trompe l’oeil
Familiarize yourself with the following images from the text: …show more content…
Ann Hamilton’s “Mantle,” van Eyck’s “Arnolfini Portrait,”
Chapter 3
The themes of art, as defined by Getlein
The meaning of Iconoclasm
Places from the text designed to be places of worship
How to determine if a work of art is about art itself
How to determine if works in the landscape are about more than an illustration of the landscape (if there is any underlying meaning)
How a history painting can be interpreted as a political or social work of art.
Familiarize yourself with the following images from the text:
Cimabue’s “Madonna Enthroned,” the unknown artist’s “Rathnasambhava, the“Transcendent Buddha of the South,” Jeff Wall’s “A Sudden Gust of Wind,” Robert Smithson’s “The Spiral Jetty,” Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica,”
Chapter 4
The function of lines
The difference between organic and geometric shapes
Means of defining mass in a drawn or painted work
Additive color mixing (the mixing of light)
Subtractive color mixing (primaries, secondaries, tertiaries, and their color harmonies)
Pattern, mass, area, shape, volume, value,
Elements of linear and atmospheric
Raphael’s “Madonna of the Meadows,” and Albrecht Durer’s “The Draftsman Drawing a Reclining Nude,”
Chapter 5
Know and be able to apply the design principles and elements of:
Scale, proportion, rhythm, emphasis, subordination, balance (asymmetrical, approximate, symmetrical and radial), unity , and variety.
Familiarize yourself with the following works from the text: Pablo Picasso’s “Girl Before a Mirror,” O’Keefe’s “Deer Skull with Pedernal,” Edouard Manet’s “A Bar at the Folies-Bergere,” and Henry Ossawa Tanner’s “The Banjo Lesson.”
Familiarize yourself with the following works from the lecture: Hokusai’s Great Wave,