This research project was time consuming and a lot more tedious than I anticipated. The first step was to find a museum with the appropriate art for the assignment. As a college student with limited financial resources …show more content…
I was impressed by how he formally analyzed every feature of the two sculptures. The two essays were not mirrored copies but instead each provided a strong analysis of each approach. It seems he took his time to follow the guidelines exactly. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style are excellent. Each page is numbered and contained footnotes following the Chicago style format. The cover page was a little cluttered due to his excess use images. His name was not correctly placed at the bottom of the cover page with the class, professor’s name, and date. The label under the artwork is not a properly formatted. The mention of creator, date, medium, and dimension are not needed if you label it correctly. Bronze and size should not be in italics. This is one of best written papers I have read for this class, it is an exceptional example of how to write an art research paper.
My best advice for other students would be to start researching ahead of the due date. It is imperative you follow the guidelines exactly to receive the maximum amount of points. If you are having trouble, you should ask the professor questions. Through all these steps I was able to have a positive experience. I learned more about art in this class than I had in my previous classes. This assignment was excruciatingly challenging but I am content with the final