According to the change of the number of participants the text can be dievided in to 4 parts:
The first is “Pineapple juice for Mr.Ellsworth”. When the male nurse Koppel persuades pineapple juice to Mr.Ellsworth, but he refuses to drink it.
The second “Proposition for Mr.Ellsworth from his doctor”. In this part doctor Caswell comes to see Mr.Ellsworth and made him proposition to take up art.
The third “Art lessons for Mr.Ellsworth from young and promising artist” This part about teaching Mr.Ellsworth drawing by Frank Swain- eighteen years old promising student.
The fourth “First Landscape prize for Mr.Ellsworth” When the Lathrop Gallery prized 1,000$ Mr.Ellsworth for his masterpiece “Trees Dressed in White”
The atmosphere of the text is ironical and sometimes it is humorous. For example when doctor Caswell said with supreme effort: “Congratulations, Mister Ellsworth”. Here we see how Caswell tells it without sincerity. Author shows that everything is a joke or a play for Mr.Ellsworth and also he shows , that money can do everything and he makes fun of it: if you have money you can do and get everything you want, for example prize of the Lathrop Gallery, maybe he needn’t money he just wants to proof that he is