Tarn Adams is an american born on the 17th of April in 1978. Adams is a computer game programer, and he is well known for his artwork the Dwarf Fortress. Throughout his childhood, Adams loved programming and has been designing computer games as one of his hobbies. Adams and his older brother Zach started a company called Bay 12 Games. With his skill in programming and his brother’s experience in ancient history and storytelling, they were able to design and pull off various projects.
Adams work on various amount of projects. He developed many games when he was in a young age and is now working on an enormous amount of projects. Some of the games he made were Slaves to Armok, Dragslay and Dwarf Fortress. Adams loves adventure, he's an adventurous. That's why every game he makes has to be related or at least have a few touches of adventure revolving it. One of the games I personally love from his work is the Slaves To Armok. This single piece of art is slightly different from his other games. He called the name Slaves To Armok …show more content…
because it indicates how many arms were left on a particular unit. Adams said "you could zoom in on your character, and it’d tell you how curly his leg hairs were, and the melting and flash points of various materials" . This shows that Adams's critical thinking and the love for his job lead him to become on the best computer game programmers in the world. Dwarf Fortress came out in 2004 a bit after Slaves To Armok. Dwarf Fortress was more of a unique game that most of computer gamers loved it. Lots of people enjoyed playing it. This game faced many problems after a while, since it featured complicated aspects of 3D graphics. Tarn Adams inspired many computer game programmers. One of the many people that he inspired was his older brother Zach. Tarn and Zach started a company called Bay 12 Games where they posted freeware games and inspired many people.
The art gallery really supports Tarn Adams’s work, because it helped other people see the work he puts into making games and notice the art that revolves around it. The gallery also helped out Adams’s games to be tested and played by a variety of people from different ages. This allowed Adams’s games to become a web sensation and acquire fans from everywhere throughout the world. The game Adams developed had a significant gameplay that helped gamers comprehend the idea of adventures and know what they really need in order to survive. What makes the gameplay really significant is that it can be associated to a real life situation, for example when you go camping. Therefore, Adams considered this truly well and it made the gameplay end up being done well. While on the other hand, the graphics and the representation of the game doesn’t look as fascinating as the entire story board. If Adams developed better graphics and had better illustrations for his game, he would've had more people interested in playing it.
The exhibition has showed me how every artist has his own unique style and how all artworks vary from each other.
The field trip to the exhibition was a fun experience and I loved seeing different artworks made by people from across the world. My overall participation in the art exhibition made me realise that everything in this world can be related to art in some way. It doesn’t have to be a poster or a drawing of something to be considered as an art piece. Art is the expression or use of human imagination and creative ability, to create work acknowledged fundamentally for their magnificence or enthusiastic power. Tarn Adams has had a major impact on the art world, since he provided his work through social networking and anybody from around the world can see his work on the web. Adams has influenced young computer game programmers to post their work online, in order for them to be noticed and work their way