Calvin Nemeth is a river troll baked in cakes between the ages of fifteen and 21. Now that he has reached the age of consent and drink, the social significance of his life has increased drastically, but no change has been realized. He hopes this shows in his films.
--the betrayer piano and malignant were made for your sight and sound class. what was the assignment?
--you voice over and star in your own films. how does this change the filmmaking process? does this change the dynamic between you and your actors and crew?
--betrayer: you seem to have a special relationship to the piano. did you study the piano? what style?
--3:02: Created over the course of exactly 48 hours, this film was created solely for the purpose of having a good good time. It was not one of the 20 films chosen by the NYU 48 Hour Film Festival, but it is great and was made for that festival with the directions that it must include 1. A cane 2. A motivational speaker and 3. The line, "It's a lot harder than it looks."
--malignant: what inspired this film? do you have experience with cancer, or read a story/article? it’s a very internal film, a psychological study - reminds me of david lynch and surrealist film. i would guess that you do not mean everything in this film literally, but indulge me as i delve into the film’s symbolic framework. you seem to represent the human as a set of machines operated by a conscience, represented by a woman. you seem to represent the cancer as the hooded figure, whose black tape covers, disrupts normal function. interesting that conscience is a woman but what is cancer a symbol for? general illness, malaise, dissatisfaction? some hidden guilt, that festers, a disease of the emotional landscape? could the hooded figure also represent an id, plaguing the ego? two layers: