16139 KB 172 pages Kinetic Art Organization (October 7, 2013) The Kindle edition is available from Amazon.com for $2.99 ASIN: B00FPJEWWS
Edited by Ralfonso Gschwend
16139 KB. 172 pages. Kinetic Art Organization (October 7, 2013) The Kindle edition is available from Amazon.com for $2.99, ASIN: B00FPJEWWS
The book is a sort of annual or catalogue, but covering more than a single exhibition, institution, or country (though this volume does have an emphasis on China, and there are Chinese and English editions of the book). There are 17 essays, an introduction, a description of the organization, and a page of links. Some of the essays deal with the field as a whole (particularly those by Michael Suh, Ralfonso Gschwend (also president of the KAO), and Angela Conner, and Guiyan He and others are personal statements by individual artists, from the U.S., China, India, the U.K., France, Switzerland, and Mexico, including Lin Emery and Rein Triefeldt, Le Ding and Yumin Jing, and a number of others. Debby Coles-Dobay also offers a public art administrator’s view of kinetic sculpture.
The book is an interesting window into the world of working kinetic artists as well as a glimpse of the importance of the organization. The diversity of the field is also evident, in wide