Wisma putra role in upholding, promoting and protecting malaysia’s sovereignty, territorial, integrity and interest.
Wisma putra role in assisting malaysian citizens abroad
Wisma putra role in assisting other ministries and agencies in international dealings
1.0 Wisma Putra Role In Upholding, Promoting And Protecting Malaysia’s Sovereignty, Territorial, Integrity And Interest.
Spying activity: Wisma Putra seeks US Envoy 's clarification
31 October 2013| last updated at 09:14PM
KUALA LUMPUR: Wisma Putra has sought clarification from the United States of America 's Ambassador to Malaysia, Joseph Y. Yun, following an allegation on spying activity at its embassy here.
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said today, Yun responded that all surveillance activities conducted by the US worldwide were for the purpose of security.
This was especially, to identify potential leads with respect to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The issue arose, following newspaper reports on allegation by intelligence whistle-blower Edward Joseph Snowden that the US had 90 electronic surveillance facilities worldwide, including in the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
"The ambassador added that the US Embassy had received instructions from Washington DC to review the scope of work in this matter," Anifah said in a statement.
The minister said the American ambassador also assured that the privacy of individuals would not be affected.
"Wisma Putra is working closely with the relevant Malaysian authorities on this matter and should there be any compelling evidence, the ministry will seek recourse.
"Wisma Putra assures that Malaysia 's security and sovereignty remain the priority of the Government of Malaysia," said Anifah. BERNAMA
Article Source: Article Analysis
Spying Activity: Wisma Putra Seeks US Envoy’s Clarification By New Straits Times Based on the article of “Spying Activity: Wisma Putra Seeks US Envoy Clarification” which appeared from the New Straits Times (2013), Malaysian Foreign Minister Dato ' Sri Anifah Aman clarify that Wisma Putra promised that Malaysia’s security and sovereignty remains as the priority of the Government of Malaysia. Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Wisma Putra has been mandated to pursue the nation 's foreign policy in accordance with the Federal Constitution of Malaysia with the objective of upholding, protecting and promoting the nation 's sovereignty, territorial integrity and interests. In October 31st 2013, Malaysia claimed that the United States of America’s Ambassador had conduct an allegation on spying activity at its embassy in Kuala Lumpur. This paper will analyse the potential of Wisma Putra in protecting Malaysia’s security and sovereignty following the allegation of spying activity by the US embassy in Malaysia. This article discuss on actions taken by the Wisma Putra on allegation of the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur. After the news leaked that the US had been accused of using their diplomatic missions in Kuala Lumpur to spy on Malaysia, Wisma Putra demand for clarification from US envoy regarding on this allegation. Joseph Y. Yun, the Ambassador of US responded by saying that every surveillance activities conducted by US worldwide were for security purposes. Their main purpose were to identify potential leads with respect to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. He also convinced that the privacy of our nation citizen would not be affected. Newspaper reports on US allegation by Edward Joseph Snowden made this issue become are visible. In his report, he stated that the US had 90 electronic surveillance facilities worldwide, including the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Wisma Putra is working closely focusing on Malaysian authorities on this occurrence and look for strong evidence by seeking recourses. On November 2nd 2013, 3 days after the news, the US ambassador was summoned by Wisma Putra to formally file a protest. The allegation report on spying activity by the US embassy towards Malaysia appeared to be false. Dato ' Sri Anifah said that Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry, represented by Deputy Secretary-General Datuk Ramlan Ibrahim, handed a protest note to US Deputy Chief of Mission, Lee McClenny, representing the US ambassador to Malaysia, Joseph Y. Yun, who was out of town (Boo Su-Lyn, 2013). Based on this newspaper article, Wisma Putra is clearly fulfilling its role in protecting Malaysia’s sovereignty and security. When Malaysia received reports on the allegation of US towards Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Anifah said Malaysia was extremely concerns by the reports. Wisma Putra became well-aware in protecting the nation and its citizen privacy. They began to do research on the report to assure that US really did conduct a spying activity on Malaysia. The research started by referring on the newspaper report wrote by intelligence whistle-blower named Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency subcontractor who made into headlines in 2013 when he leaked top secret information about NSA surveillance activities. His report stated that the US had carried out surveillance activities in Asia, including the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur (The Biography, 2015). But this report were denied by the US ambassador and he claimed that it was for security purposes. So, the US allegation towards Malaysia was claimed to be false. In a conclusion, this newspaper article do shows that Wisma Putra do plays its role in upholding, promoting and protecting Malaysia’s sovereignty, territorial, integrity and interests. As Dato’ Sri Anifah said “Wisma Putra assures that Malaysia’s security and sovereignty remain the priority of the Government of Malaysia.”
2.0 Wisma Putra Role in Assisting Malaysian Citizens Abroad
Wisma Putra will help reinstate Siti Aishah 's citizenship
Astro Awani | Updated: November 28, 2013
(First published on: November 28, 2013 13:34 MYT)
PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian High Commission in London has yet to receive access to the Malaysian woman, identified by British authorities as Aishah Wahab, who was previously held as a slave for 30 years in South London, the Home Ministry said in a statement Thursday.
“The case remains under investigation and further information is limited and restricted by the Data Protection Act 1998 under United Kingdom laws,” the statement said.
The High Commission will seek clarification on the victim’s legal status and in the event she might have unknowingly lost her Malaysian citizenship and became stateless at some point in the past 30 years, it will work with other authorities towards reinstating her citizenship.
“Further consular assistance will then be provided to the victim and her family, as deemed fit and necessary,” the statement said.
British authorities have officially confirmed the victim to Malaysian Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab born on May 27th, 1944.
The High Commission will also extend full cooperation to the local agencies in the United Kingdom towards facilitating the on-going investigation.
Article source: Article Analysis
Wisma Putra Will Help Reinstate Siti Aishah’s Citizenship By Astro Awani According to the news in Astro Awani entitled “Wisma Putra Will Help Reinstate Siti Aishah’s Citizenship” that was published on November 28th 2013, the Malaysian High Commission in London will help Siti Aishah in reinstating her citizenship that has lost and became stateless in the past 30 years. Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wisma Putra has been mandated to pursue the nation 's foreign policy in accordance with the Federal Constitution of Malaysia with its function in assisting Malaysian citizen abroad. Home Ministry state that Siti Aishah, a Malaysian woman has been identified by the British authorities, had spent her life for 30 years as a slave in South London. This paper will analyse Wisma Putra role in assisting Siti Aishah to restore her citizenship as a Malaysian. Based on this article, the victim was born on May 27th 1944 as officially confirmed by the British authorities. Home Ministry clarified that Siti Aishah case remains under investigation and the Data Protection Act 1998 has restricted and limited further information regarding on this case under United Kingdom laws. The High Commission will seek clarification on the victim’s legal status. The article also stated that she might had unknowingly lost her Malaysian citizenship and became stateless. The Wisma Putra need to work with other authorities in order to reinstating her citizenship. Home Ministry also mentioned that the victim and her family will be provided consular assistance. The ministry will fully give cooperation to the local agencies in the United Kingdom regarding on the investigation. Malaysian Digest (2013) stated that Malaysian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Datuk Seri Zakaria Sulong convinced that Siti Aishah is a Malaysian. In order to make the process of identifying her status easier, he hope that some form of documentation still exists, either in the form of an expired passport, old national identification card or birth certificate. He point out that Siti Aishah 's status is most probably of an illegal stayer who has documents such as passport and visa that might have expired a long time ago. Due to the strict limitation of information on Siti Aishah’s case, the High Commission could not reach out to Siti Aishah directly as she is under police custody (The Star,). Wisma Putra, the Women’s Ministry and the IGP are keen to help Siti Aishah. By all means show compassion but make sure that compassion is extended to all Malaysians and not a select few individuals who just happen to be making headlines in the developed world. Wisma Putra is all ready to help Siti Aishah to restore her Malaysian citizenship. Wisma Putra issued a statement regarding on Foreign Ministry to work to determine her lost citizenship. It is clear that Wisma Putra perform its role in assisting Malaysian citizens abroad. But, on September 20th 2015, Siti Aishah denied of being enslaved when Hishamuddin Rais a Malaysian activist, flew to UK with Siti Aishah’s sister. She also stated that she’s happy living in UK. Although Wisma Putra fulfil its roles in this matter, but Wisma Putra can’t push any individual who had lost their citizenship in Malaysia. According to Hishamuddin, Siti Aishah didn’t return to Malaysia on a permanent Basis. In a conclusion, Wisma Putra do fulfil its role and function in assisting Malaysian citizens abroad in order to protect their citizenship and security.
3.0 Wisma Putra Role In Assisting Other Ministries And Agencies In International Dealings
Wisma Putra issues travel advisory to Africa
Bernama | Updated: August 13, 2014
(First published on: August 13, 2014 23:02 MYT)
KUALA LUMPUR: The Foreign Ministry today urged Malaysians to avoid visiting African nations which were stricken by the Ebola plague, specifically Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Wisma Putra, through a statement, said Malaysians must also exercise caution when visiting other countries in Africa.
"Those who are forced to undergo trips to African countries that are stricken by Ebola, they should follow advice and guidelines issued by the Health Ministry as a precautionary measure to reduce the risk of infection," said the statement.
Malaysians who faced an emergency when in the countries affected by Ebola could contact the Malaysian Embassy in the Guinea via 00224622354050 and 00224622667879 or e-mail
Ebola is dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which recorded a high death rate and could infect humans and primates.
Since it was detected in three West African countries, namely, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea in March, Ebola has resulted in more than 1,000 deaths.
Article Source: Article Analysis
Wisma Putra Issues Travel Advisory to Africa By Astro Awani In the article of “Wisma Putra Issues Travel Advisory to Africa” which was published on August 13th, 2014 in Astro Awani, Malaysia Foreign Ministry advised Malaysians to avoid visiting African nations that were stricken by the Ebola plague, especially the West African countries. The Health Ministry has been assisted by Wisma Putra to provide advices and guidelines for those who were forced to undergo trips to African as a precautionary measure to reduce risk infection. It is one of the role of Wisma Putra in assisting other ministries and agencies in their international dealings. This paper will analyse the potential of Wisma Putra on assisting Health Ministry in African and other related ministries to reduce the risk of infection of Ebola among Malaysians. Based on the article, Wisma Putra made a few statements regarding on safety precautions in visiting countries in Africa, especially Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Wisma Putra stated that Malaysia must exercises cautions that has been issued by the Health Ministry when visiting countries in Africa. In order to reduce the risk of Ebola infection, every advice and guidelines provided by the Health Ministry must be strictly followed by those who are having trips in Africa. Malaysians who faced emergency in any African nations could seek for help from the Malaysian Embassy in Guinea by contacting the details they provided in the article. The article also stated that Ebola is a dengue haemorrhagic fever which had recorded a high death rate and could infect both humans and primates. Ebola has resulted more than 1 000 deaths in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. “Malaysia puts a serious concern towards this case and taking precautionary measures against the deadly Ebola virus disease,” said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam today (The Malaysian Insider, 2014). Wisma Putra has taken a serious measures towards this issue. One of the measures they done was putting the Health Ministry in charge in monitoring entry points into the country, such as the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). The Education Ministry had been advised to screen foreign students returning from Ebola-infected African countries. Wisma Putra has also been asked by Dr Subramaniam to issue an advisory against travelling to West Africa. 24 Malaysians currently living in Liberia will be transported to Ghana. Wisma Putra consulate division secretary Datuk Zulkifli Yaacob said “All of them are workers at a plantation that is owned by a Malaysian based in Liberia”. The workers will be transported temporarily out of Liberia to Ghana with the help of Malaysian High Commission in Accra. This action was done with the agreement of the Home Ministry and the Immigration Department (The Star, 2014). All safety measures taken by Wisma Putra proves that they are fully conducting their role in assisting other ministries and agencies in avoiding Malaysians getting infected by the Ebola in infected African countries. The Health Ministry, Education Ministry, Malaysia High Commission in Accra, Home Ministry and the Immigration Department are fully conducted by the Wisma Putra in order to restrain Malaysia and Malaysians in Liberia from getting infected by Ebola. As for conclusion, Wisma Putra is responsible in assisting other ministries and agencies in international dealings to protect Malaysia country as well as the Malaysian citizen either in country or abroad.
4.0 Reference
Spying activity: Wisma Putra seeks US Envoy 's clarification. (2013 October 31 ). New Strait Times. Retrieved on April 12, 2015 from activity-wisma-putra-seeks-us-envoy-s-clarification-1.389370##ixzz3Xzdr5u7O
Wisma Putra Will Help Reinstate Siti Aishah 's Citizenship. (2013, November 28). Astro Awani. Retrieved on April 12, 2015 putra-will-help-reinstate-siti-aishahs-citizenship-26088?cp
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BOO SU LYN. (2013, November 2). Finally Wisma Putra Chides Us, Australia Envoys Over Spying Claims. The Malaymail Online website. Retrieved on April 14, 2015, from australia-envoys-over-spying-claims
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Malaysia Taking Measures against Ebola, Says Minister. (2014, August 3). The Malaysian Insider. Retrieved on April 16, 2015, from against-ebola-says-minister#sthash.fZda3eGJ.dpuf
Malaysian in Liberia to be Moved to Ghana. (2014, August 6). The Star. Retrieved on April 16, 2014, from Liberia-to-be-moved-to-Ghana/
References: Wisma Putra will help reinstate Siti Aishah 's citizenship Astro Awani | Updated: November 28, 2013 British authorities have officially confirmed the victim to Malaysian Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab born on May 27th, 1944. Bernama | Updated: August 13, 2014 (First published on: August 13, 2014 23:02 MYT) Wisma Putra Issues Travel Advisory To Africa. (2014, August 13). Astro Awani. Retrieved on April 12, 2015 from travel-advisory-africa-41856?cp BOO SU LYN Edward Snowden. (2015). The website. Retrieved on April 14, 2015, from Citizenship Status of Siti Aishah. (2013, November 30). Malaysian Digest. Retrieved on April 15, 2015, from aishah.html ISABELLE LAI, L