
Article 92 - Essay

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Article 92 - Essay
Article 92 of the uniform code of military justice is when a solider fails to obey an order or regulation given to them by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them in section or squad. Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order. It lays down the ground law, the absolute line which may not be crossed. Everything else in the uniform code of military justice is explanation of the various forms that disobeying an order can take. Without the support given by Article 92, service members would be free to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and there wouldn't be any discipline in the United States armed service an order is a tasking given to a soldier of something that needs to be done in a timely and efficient manner. An order given by someone who is a higher rank or position then you is a lawful order and can be punished by uniform code of military justice or court martial. It is crucial to always follow orders given because it could lead to an unwanted accident. The only way that an order by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them is not a lawful order if it contrary to the Constitution of the United States. Failing to fallow a lawful order from some who is not a higher rank then you is still punishable by article 92 of the uniform code of military justice. The three main reasons why it is important for a soldier to follow the orders they are given is to be combat effective, disciplined, and to just be a good soldier. In my own words, Article 92 is not doing something that you have been told to do. It is a lot like doing what your parents told you to do as a child. Any article should not be taken lightly and is always a serious matter.

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