Many people will say that Marijuana is good that there is nothing wrong with it. I along with many others believe that it is bad. Marijuana good or bad, the choice is up to you. Marijuana is the countries biggest drug problem next to alcohol. Marijuana is dangerous to your brain, reproductive organs, and lungs.
When you get high off of Marijuana you are setting your self up for a lot of brain damage. Smoking Marijuana even your first time causes you to have memory loss, and permanently lose important brain cells. Marijuana slows down your reflexes and makes you fell paranoid like some ones watching you and they know you are high. Marijuana makes you fell relaxed just like reading a book or watching your favorite television show after long hard day. Marijuana has also been known to life your mood but so does laughing, hanging out with friends or going to the gym. It helps relive pain but deteriorates your brain.
Marijuana can cause birth defects you don’t have to be pregnant or a girl for that to happen. Marijuana increases your child’s chance of being born with Down syndrome or brain defects. You wouldn’t want your child to be born with birth defects because of something you did. Some parents are lucky and their children are born perfectly fine. You as a pregnant parent can protect your baby and you by not smoking Marijuana. Sadly there are parents who do everything right and their child still has birth defects. Marijuana mutates your genetic jeans increasing your child’s chance at being born with a Down syndrome or any other birth defect.
Your lungs are an important part of your body do you want to lose them?
One Marijuana joint contains twice as much carcinogens compared to one cigarette. Carcinogens are cancer causing chemicals like THC or tar. According to Dr. Robert Heath one joint is equal to one pack of cigarettes a day. Who smokes that much and lives a long