July 19, 2010
Article/Case Law Search Paper A critical regulatory issue in health care is a really broad subject and will always be discussed and debated on. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “TB is an airborne, communicable disease caused by infection with the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection occurs typically when a person inhales microscopic droplet nuclei containing viable bacteria, usually acquired as a result of droplet nuclei spread through coughing or sneezing by persons who have infectious TB.” (Brennan, 2007) Despite the inception of modern treatments and public health interventions, tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant public health threat in the U.S. and abroad in the twenty-first century. The challenge of controlling TB in its traditional and new multidrug-resistant forms requires public health agencies at the federal, tribal, state, and local levels to develop and apply new tools. Among these tools is the use of law in support of efforts to effectively control cases of TB. In May of 2005, the World Health Organization initiated for Vaccine Research. This research was arranged to develop into a meeting of regulators, investigators, and clinicians from different countries that are in the process of developing or countries that have already been developed. Their main cause was to initiate tuberculosis vaccine regulation and research. The discussion that was made in this assembly was of the regulatory challenges for testing and introducing investigative TB vaccines into country where the disease is widespread. “A particular focus of this meeting was a discussion among representatives of regulatory authorities from the Developing Countries Vaccine Regulators Network (DCVRN) with those of the United Kingdom and the United States about the important challenges that each regulatory agency will
References: Benjamin GC and Moulton AD. Public Health Legal Preparedness: A Framework for Action. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 2008; 36(S1): 13-17. Brennan, Michael J. August 2007. Development of New Tuberculosis Vaccines: A Global Perspective on Regulatory Issues. Retrieved from PLOS Medicine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1939860/#box2 Gostin LO, Burris S, Lazzarini Z. The Law and the Public’s Health: a study of infectious disease law in the United States. Colum. L. Rev. 1999;99:59-128.