Article Critique
“Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement” by Professor John Briggs
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For
The Course CHHI 665
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Dedra Duty
Lynchburg, Virginia
Sunday, February 16, 2014
In the article, Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement by John Briggs, the role and history of Baptists in their engagement with the Ecumenical Movement is discussed. This article critique will summarize the main points of the article, as well as look at the strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion of this critique will determine the overall effectiveness of the article itself.
The article Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement traces the history of the way some European Baptists have engaged and participated with the ecumenical movement. In the first listing of history by Briggs, he points out that the “origins of the Baptist movement are to be found in the history of the Radical Reformation and within the logic of English Separatism, it is difficult not to see Baptists as naturally schismatic.”1 He stresses that Baptists are seen as naturally separatists because of the history of the denomination and their growth as a whole.
The intent of the article can be found in one of the concluding statements by Briggs. He says, “but I hope I have filed enough detail to show that the Baptist contribution in this area has been sacrificial and substantial, but often unrecognized.”2 Throughout the article and list made, Briggs drives home the point that the Baptists, although often seen as isolated or even divided from other churches and the evangelizing of the world, are making contributions and work alongside of other believers to get the job done.
One of the strengths of this article is that it made into an easy readable list, outlining the contributions and history of Baptists concerning the ecumenical movement. Each numbered list gives evidence of his intention in
Bibliography: Briggs, John. “Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement”. Journal of European Baptist Studies. Volume 6.1. 11-17, 11-17. 2005.