Projects and Organizations: Adding Rungs to the Ladder of Understanding Project Management and its Relationship with the Organization by Nathalie Drouin and Claude Besner, 2012. Department of Management and Tecnology, School of Business, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada. 175-179 pp. Reviewed by Nur Zulaikha Afifah Binti Abd Rohim. 2014.
By refering to the article attached above, this paper is a research about project management and its relationship with the organization. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the papers comprising a special issue of the journal. The central theme is about ‘Adding rungs to the ladder of understanding project management and its relationship with the organization’ where it contributes to the development of the field of project management. The methodology for this paper is by selecting five papers that underwent a double-blind peer-review process. The problem statement for this paper is how project management helps with the goal of explaining and enhancing important relationships among organizational phenomena and the project management field. The findings of this paper shows that there is a growing recognition that project management involves more than the skilful and competent management of individual projects. It is also requires a set of systems, processes, structures and capabilities that enable an organization to undertake the right projects and to support them organizationally. Today, projects are seen as venues for mastering business, implementing changes, innovating and developing competitive advantage. This paper viewed three main perspectives where firsly for project management governance issues, secondly for management of innovative and IT projects and thirdly for processes, practices and tools. For the first perspective, since projects have been depicted as primary means of implementing organizational strategy, project management governance reflects the importance of