Sarah Falsey
September 9, 2013
Markeith Braden
Article Review Paper-AIDS
The topic chosen was HIV in Nashville. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has three stages. The first stage is acute illness infection. The second stage is clinical latency. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the final stage of the HIV virus (, 2009).
In Nashville, there were 881 new reported cases of HIV/AIDS in 2012. Those are just the ones that were reported. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are approximately one million people in the United States that are currently living with HIV, and at least one fifth of those do not know that they have the virus. Statistics show that at the …show more content…
It is high time for everyone to know their status. Tennessee must all join together. We must teach our children to be safe, but most importantly, we must practice what we preach. Everyone has met someone with AIDS (whether it was known or not) and no one wants to watch their loved ones die with no medication or support. If nothing else, at least educate yourself.
References (2009, August 6). STAGES OF HIV. Retrieved from
Nashville Cares. (n.d.). HIV/AIDS in Greater Nashville. Retrieved from
Nashville Cares. (n.d.). Nashville AIDS Walk. Retrieved from
Street Works. (n.d.). About. Retrieved from
Tennessee Department of Health. (n.d.). Ryan White Program. Retrieved from
Tennessee Newsroom and Media Center. (2007, February 6). Education, Involvement, Testing Urged to End HIV/AIDS Crisis. Retrieved from (2011, April 20). HIV cases up 32 percent among Tennessee 's young. Retrieved from