In a Health Affairs article entitled “Obtaining Greater Value From Health Care: The Roles of the U.S. Government”, the quality and cost of the United States health care system are assessed. This article was collaborated by Stephen C. Schoenbaum, Anne-Marie J. Audet, and Karen Davis into existence and to state their claim that without the intervention of a strong federal government in the health care system, the state of the country will be economically reflected by the lack of a federal government.
Article Review Assessment
This article shows the need for the federal government to intervene in the way the health care system is running. It also shows exactly how the government should intervene and the positive outcomes that would result from that intervention. They state that because they are the largest single payer and the largest single provider of care from the Veteran Health Administration, the Department of Defense, and Indian Health Service. They state that the federal government is the only entity that has the ability to get the attention of all the interested investing parties in order to improve care and raise the bar on the expectation of health care. Also the article states that the role of the federal government has been limited so far. The efforts made to improve quality of health care and dispersment of care equally has been given very little funding. If the government were able to divvy out the proper funding toward health care and increase their role they could do a number of things to improve the quality of care given. These actions include but are not limited to sponsoring the use of uniform measurements of health care quality, implement information systems that are available to the private sector, and provide incentives and rewards for excellent performance in providing care.
According to this article, there are many areas that the federal government can make improvements and set a standard policy for the