1. Are you aware about UPVC products used in building windows and door? * Yes * No
2. Do you believe that UPVC products are superior than traditional products which use wooden, iron, aluminium material? * Yes * No * Cannot say anything
3. In spite of superior benefits offered by UPVC products, would you still prefer to use traditional products? * Yes * No
4. Are you aware of Fenesta brand? * Yes * No
5. Do you have complete information of the product and services offered by Fenesta? * Yes * No
6. Have you used any product or service offered by Fenesta in past? * Yes * No
7. If you have not used any Fenesta’ product in past, do you intend to use it in near future? * Yes * No
8. If you have used Fenesta’s product/ services in past, how would you describe your experience? * Better than expected * As per expectations * Less than expected * Poor * Not Applicable
9. If you have used Fenesta’s product/ services in past, what prompted you to use the Fenesta’s product? * Recommendation by a Construction Expert * Recommendation by friend/ relative/ colleague * Own study/ research * Brand awareness * Not Applicable
10. If required, would you prefer using Fenesta’s product/ services in future? * Yes * No
11. Would you recommend Fenesta’s product to others? * Yes * No
12. According to you who are the top three