In the Wiemar constitution it allows for the president to make decisions when there is an emergency in the country. When the stock market crashed in 1929 the United States, who was a big backer of money in Germany, pulled their money out of the German economy it sent the country into panic and some confusion. The Reichstag fell into gridlock and the president of Germany took control by exercising the emergency power clause in the Wiemar Constitution. President Hindenburg appointed temporary chancellors which both failed to control what was going on in their country which led Germans to look alternatively for answers and some started voting for the Nazi splinter group. While numbers of Nazi in the government began to rise people started noticing one of their members Adolph Hitler as a man…
The United States Constitution is one of the most significant documents in modern world history. Its official date of adoption was on the seventeenth of September in 1897. The Constitution itself represents the advent of democracy, justice and freedom in a once-was colony which thereafter gained its independence. It established three branches of government; the legislative branch, the judicial branch and the executive branch. Additionally, the Constitution outlined the relationship between the country’s citizens and the Federal government.…
Written in 1787 by James Madison, the United States Constitution was created to guard against tyranny in the new government system. In the words of James Madison, “The accumulation of all powers ... in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many (is) the very definition of tyranny.” The people of the thirteen states were afraid of tyranny due to the tyrant leading their previous country, King George III. The last thing they wanted was for their new world to be a tyranny, just like the one they escaped from, so they created the Constitution. The Constitution guarded against tyranny by separating the powers of the federal and state governments, splitting the government into three branches, and attempting to give big states and little states equal representation.…
The Constitution of the USA was adopted in 1787. The Constitution created a legislature, an executive, and a national judiciary. Congress was given the…
Albany Plan of Union - The Albany Plan was proposed by Benjamin Franklin at the Albany Congress in 1754 in Albany, New York. It was an early attempt at forming a union of the colonies "under one government as far as might be necessary for defense and other general important purposes" during the French and Indian War.…
In 1787 leaders of the states came together to write the Constitution. A set of principles that says how the new nation would be governed.…
“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”- Patrick Henry, this saying is famous for Patrick Henry giving a speech to the people about wanting liberty from Britain. The U.S. received liberty from Britain, when they wrote the Declaration of Independence, which later inspired to write the constitution. Both gave us further liberty than before. The U.S. constitution gave the people of the United States liberty by giving rights to all people. The right of liberty for the citizens of the United States of America was provided by the constitution.…
The United States Constitution was created to be an outline for the American government by the founding fathers. However, it can be very complicated. On many occasions, it has influenced the United States as well as the society of America. Two constitutional principles are the Bill of Rights and Checks and Balances.…
Based on a number of important principles the U.S Constitution aimed for prevention of the abuse of power. The people did want the government have too much power. Americans were afraid of their rights not being protected. These principles were according to which state or organization is governed. These principles are written down in different documents which go in the constitution.…
written by the Founding Fathers. The documents are very different from one another yet they share a few rare similarities. The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation prompted Congress to scrap them and begin again with the Constitution. Not all problems were solved by the Constitution, but they were significantly reduced. In any case, the Constitution, the foundation of America, has stood for centuries with very few revisions.…
The first three articles describe each branch and what each branch is made out of. (Doc B) The federal government was split into three and that was called the seperation of powers. Since all the power isn’t just in one branch, the seperation of powers guard against tyranny. As stated by James Madision “ The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executie, and judiciary, in the same hands whether of one, a few, or many.”…
The United States Constitution provides the structure of our legislative body. It gives us a bicameral legislature. This means that we have two chambers; the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Constitution contains rules that give the basic guidelines on how we elect our representatives, how long they will serve and the outline of how the legislative process works.…
It has been amended twenty-seven times since then. The Constitution was created on September 17th, 1787. The authors of the Constitution were the people of the Philadelphia Convention. The whole purpose of the Constitution was to replace the Articles of Confederation (1777). While the Constitution was being written there were fifty-five delegates. Of the fifty-five delegates thirty-nine of then signed the Constitution. It was ratified on June 21, 1788. Because of the Constitution all of the people in the nation were sovereign. The power was divided between the states and the central government. Both the states and the central government acts directly on the people. The Constitution was amended with approval by three fourths of the states. The electoral college chooses the independent executive. The Constitution separates the federal court system and the power to figure out disputes or problems between the states. The Constitution gave the Congress more and better powers. The Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes. They also have the power to lay and collect duties, imposts and even excises. The Congress is also allowed to regulate the conversation between other countries and or nations and the United Sates. The Congress consists of two bodies. One is the House of Representatives and the other is the Senates. The House of Representatives is based on the population of each state. Each state has two Senators. Congress has…
The Articles of Confederation provided for the basic structure of American government from 1781. The articles bound states together, but this tie was so weak that central government was impossible. "A national government should have the ability to enforce its authority, have a clear description of where the governing powers lie, a delineated leadership, and disposition of economic and foreign affairs. The Articles themselves were drafted at the beginning of the war, but all 13 states had to sign before they could be ratified."1 At last ratified in 1781, "the articles granted a basic system providing a unicameral congress in which each state had one vote, and was itself elected by the state legislatures. As there was no conventional executive,…
Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of confederation to those of the Constitution. Which document did a better job at protecting liberties? Running a government? Explain your answer with specific examples.…